Drug-Free Schools and Community Act
On March 31, 2023, Governor Andy Beshear signed Senate Bill 47, legalizing medical cannabis in Kentucky beginning January 1, 2025. This new law allows individuals with serious health conditions to purchase and use certain forms of marijuana (cannabis) for therapeutic purposes. To obtain the required medical certification, individuals must complete a highly regulated process. Cannabis consumption outside of the medical cannabis program remains illegal in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. More information may be found at kymedcan.ky.gov.
As a recipient of federal funds, however, Western Kentucky University is required to comply with federal laws, including the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act. These federal laws prohibit the use and possession of marijuana on university campuses. Accordingly, WKU remains a drug-free campus,and WKU policy will continue to prohibit possession and use of marijuana-containing products, including medical cannabis, on its campuses. WKU’s policy designed to comply with these federal laws can be found in the WKU Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy and WKU Student Code of Conduct. This policy continues to apply to all individuals while on campus, including those who are legally approved to use medical cannabis under Kentucky law.
Students should send questions to deanofstudents@wku.edu, and employees should send questions to human.resources@wku.edu.
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