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Separation Procedure

Cherry Statue

Separation Procedure

The university retains the authority to impose a separation if such action is necessary to preserve the safety of persons or the University Community. In this instance, the students will be afforded a conference with the Director of Student Conduct or his/her designee and given the opportunity to show why their continued presence on campus does not constitute a threat, harm or danger to themselves, others, or the University Community. Alleged violations of the student conduct that constitute an immediate threat harm or danger to others will be addressed in an informal student conduct meeting. In certain instances, students may be interim suspended from the university or campus facilities as a result of this policy if deemed in the best interest of the university community and separation is not necessary.

The following steps explain the procedure for imposing a separation:

1. When a situation, as defined above, occurs, the responding university official contacts the Chair of the Campus Partners Team, the  Dean of Students, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Experience and Director of Student Conduct, to assess the situation. If the situation is sufficiently serious, the Chair of the Campus Partners Team, the Director of Student Conduct,, or Dean of Students or his/her designee will determine if a separation is appropriate.

2. The student will be notified immediately to meet with the Director of Student Conduct,. (in cases of immediate response all provisions of "due process" may not be guaranteed) The University Police will be contacted to determine if a ban from campus is needed. Upon receipt of the request to meet, if the student is on campus or in university facilities, the student will be escorted by a University Police Officer to the notifying office.

3. The student can immediately agree to a separation without further review to be conducted by the Director of Student Conduct, or his/her designee. The separation letter will contain instructions on how to request a return to the University or receive transcripts if applicable. Those present at the meeting may include the responding university official and other witnesses as deemed appropriate by the Director to ensure due process.

4. During the meeting with the Office of Student Conduct, the student will be given an opportunity to demonstrate why his or her continued presence on campus does not constitute a threat to themselves, others or property. As part of the meeting, the student may be required to submit to an immediate medical/psychological evaluation. The student will be evaluated by the WKU Counseling and Testing Center or his/her designee.

5. The outcome of the meeting will be determined solely on the basis of preponderance of the evidence and statements provided. A determination of responsibility is made when the preponderance of evidence supports the charge(s). The decision of the separation will be final. There will be no appeal.

6. If the student does request an additional review of the decision it will be reviewed by the Dean of Students or his/her designee. All information related to the Office of Student Conduct investigation will be provided. The separation and/or ban from campus residential facilities will remain in effect until the review is concluded. The final outcome will be shared with the Office of Student Conduct That office will schedule, as soon as possible, a formal student conference to determine the final outcome of the initiating behavior.

7.  If the Dean of Students upholds the outcome of separation, an appeal may be made to the Vice President for Enrollment and Student Experience or his/her designee. In the event the Vice-President considers the outcome to be inconsistent with the ethical principles and standard of conduct of the University community, the Vice-President may request that the case be heard by the University Disciplinary Committee. If the VIce-President upholds the outcome of separation the decision is final.

 Last Modified 11/28/18