A student has the right to freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
A student has the right to an education of the highest quality.
A student has the right to freedom of inquiry, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom to peaceably assemble. time, place, and manner
A student has the right of freedom to hear and participate in dialogue and to examine diverse views and ideas.
A student has the right to engage, either individually or in association with others, in on-campus or off-campus organizations or activities.
A student has the freedom to engage in an environment dedicated to learning that is free from discrimination, harassment, or violence.
A student has the right to fair and impartial academic evaluation.
A student has the right to unbiased, impartial procedural due process for both academic and nonacademic misconduct.
A student has the right to petition for redress of grievances.
A student has freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures from University personnel.
A student has the right to be informed in writing of University regulations governing academic and nonacademic conduct.
A student has a right to be informed in writing of alleged academic and nonacademic misconduct.
A student has the right to personal privacy and confidentiality of student records in accordance with applicable laws.
A student has the right of due process in the Student Conduct system in accordance with rules of procedures prescribed in the Student Code of Conduct.
A student has responsibility for acquiring knowledge of established University policies and behavioral expectations for both academic and nonacademic conduct. Ignorance of the Student Code of Conduct is not a justification for violation of University policies or procedures.
A student has responsibility for adhering to University policies presented in official University publications.
A student has responsibility for participating in behaviors that align with the University’s mission to assist students in being productive, engaged, and socially responsible citizen-leaders of a global society.
A student has responsibility to accept the consequences of one’s actions.
A student has responsibility to respect the rights and inherent humanity and dignity of others.
A student has responsibility to respect the property of others.
A student has responsibility to recognize that actions reflect upon the individuals involved, and upon the entire university community.
A student has a responsibility to practice civility in accordance with principles of being a good citizen/good neighbor.
A student has responsibility to ensure that no student organization, constitution, or other organizational materials, including postings on the Internet or social networking sites, contains discriminatory language or language that advocates discriminatory action.
Choose right over wrong, ethics over convenience, and truth over popularity...This is the path of integrity-