Information for Suspended Students
Information for Suspended Students
According to the WKU Student Handbook Disciplinary Actions/Sanctions, suspension refers to “exclusion" for a period of time, generally from one term to one year. A separation from the university is a time away for a number of academic semesters or until certain conditions are met. This means that you are not eligible for specific privileges like a living in the Residence Halls, access to student facilities (e.g., Downing Student Union, Preston Center, and computer labs), transcripts, parking passes, or WKU student season tickets for athletic events. While you are on suspension or separated from the university, we encourage you to take the time to seek the resources and support you need in order to return to the university and complete your degree. Questions regarding your suspension or separation may be directed to Parents of students under 21 will be notified of suspensions resulting from either alcohol or drug related offenses.
For Recently Suspended Students
Students have two official records with the university; an academic and a disciplinary record. Written records regarding student judicial files are maintained in the Office of Student Conduct for three years from the date of graduation Digital voice recordings of the University Disciplinary Committee or conduct meetings are erased when a case decision becomes final. All student academic and disciplinary records are separate.
For Suspended Students Living On Campus
Please be advised that you must check out of your residence hall 24 hours after your hearing decision is final. If you make an appeal, your conduct officer will determine a revised timeline for your vacating your Residence Hall. If you do not appeal, this means 24 hours after your meeting concludes. Check-out is completed when the room condition report and room keys have been received by the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Residents who do not check-out/withdraw properly will be charged $150. Please consult with your resident advisor regarding appropriate check-out procedures or call (270) 745-2037 with questions.
Information Regarding Course Registration, Financial Aid and Tuition
If you have been placed on permanent suspension or have been expelled from the university, a notation will be placed on your TopNet account of the university’s action. All courses in progress during the semester in which the suspension is imposed will be removed from the transcript or a grade of failure will be reflected on the document. There will be a gap in the semester sequence of the transcript. If you have been placed on permanent suspension or expelled from the university, you are not entitled to a copy of your transcripts. The Office of Student Conduct will advise each student to contact Student Billing and Account Services to determine any financial adjustments, if any. Students should note that a suspension may result in the removal of some forms of financial aid and scholarships or failing grades. For more information regarding financial aid, visit or call (270) 745-2755. Questions regarding tuition and housing fees should be directed to the Student Billing and Account Services or Housing. The university refund policy can be found at or you may call (270) 745-6381.
Advising and Career Development Center
The Advising and Career Development Center is available to meet with currently enrolled WKU students. If you are interested in meeting with an advisor, you can call and set up an appointment. You cannot take classes for academic credit, but you can use this time to research a future career or volunteer in your local community. For more information regarding The Center for Career and Professional Development, visit or call (270) 745-3095.
Returning To WKU after A Suspension
When you plan to return to the university you will not need to reapply to the university, but you will be required to complete a re-enrollment meeting with The Director of Student Conduct or designee in the Office of Student Conduct. In all cases re-enrollment requires an assessment and written permission of the university. During the re-enrollment meeting, the Director or designee will go over all appropriate paperwork and review your sanctions. At the same time, you may request that any notation of disciplinary hold be removed from your account. Failure to do so will impede your ability to register for classes and receive the information you’ll need to make a successful return. If you return to the university, your suspension or separation will still be a part of your disciplinary record. You will be placed on a Deferred Suspension upon your return. Your Deferred Suspension will be reviewed each semester and will remain open ended. You will be allowed to remain a student and complete classes during this time. If you, as a student, are found in violation of any university rule or the requirements of this sanction during the time of Deferred Suspension, the documentation will be reviewed by the Office of Student Conduct and suspension may take effect immediately.
Not Returning To WKU?
If you choose not to return to WKU, please contact our office should you have questions.