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A University committee for student disciplinary matters has been established by action of the Board of Regents of Western Kentucky University in accordance with the Kentucky Revised Statutes which authorize the Board of Regents to invest the faculty/staff or a committee of the faculty/staff with the power to suspend or expel any student for severe violations of the WKU Student Code of Conduct or a gross disregard for the rights of others in the campus community. Therefore, this Committee will consider all cases involving sanctions of  suspension and expulsion.

The Committee is comprised of thirteen members, seven faculty and six staff, who are appointed by the President of the University. Faculty terms are three years and are staggered so that the term of one third of the membership expires each year.

At least seven members of the Committee must be present before any official action is taken. Any decision will be made by a majority of those Committee members present. The Committee is to be notified of a meeting by the Office of Student Conduct or members of his staff immediately upon determination of the necessity for such a meeting.

Committee meetings are conducted in two parts. In the first part, only the information that bears on whether or not the student has engaged in specified violations or misconduct may be presented. If the Committee finds no violation or misconduct, the finding is recorded and the proceeding is concluded.

If the finding is that the student has in fact engaged in a violation or misconduct, the Committee shall, in the second part of the proceeding, hear and consider any information bearing upon circumstances of extenuation or mitigation. After this part is concluded, the Committee shall determine the appropriate sanction. The Committee will function in accordance with its own procedures.

A person suspended or expelled may appeal through the Vice-President for  Student Experience.  If they meet the conditions for appeal it will be forwarded the President for review. (see appeals)












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 Last Modified 1/14/25