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Online Master of Arts in Education in Adult Education

We are currently not accepting applications for the MAE Adult Education. The Graduate Certificate program is still accepting applications.

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Why WKU's MAE in Adult Education?

  • No GRE Required!
  • Complete the program in 1.5 years
  • Ranked Number 14 among Best Online Programs by College Choice
  • Ranked Number 2 among Most Affordable Programs by College Choice
  • Taught by highly qualified, award winning faculty
  • Complete class assignments at your workplace
  • Focuses on adult learning, adult development, methods for teaching adults, instruction in program development and application of theory in practical educational settings.

  • Each class utilizes multiple hands-on assignments, group projects, and the ability to apply what you are learning in real-world settings. 

 What our graduates say!

  • Graduates of the program are Somewhat Satisfied or Extremely Satisfied with how well the program met their expectations.
  • Approximately 82.1% of the respondents were Satisfied or Extremely Satisfied with how well the program led to employment or career advancement. 
  • Almost all of the graduates were Satisfied or Extremely Satisfied with how well the program prepared them for further education.  
  • Graduates found that the program was Moderately Relevant or Very Relevant to their current employment position. 


Hannah"Working with the faculty in Adult Education was great.  Dr. Berger was very invested in me as a student and was very helpful in terms of advising and helping me with my transfer credits.  The courses were very well conceived.  The assignments built on each other and were actually based in practice.I liked the practical assignments and papers.  I feel like I learned a great deal about being in the field of adult education and what the practice of being an adult educator looks like.  I’m able to advocate for those students as a result of my degree." - Hannah Digges-Elliott

 "The program provided me with exactly what I needed in terms of time, accessibility, and relevance to my work. I especially liked how my advisor and I were able to design a program of study which matched my career goals. The coursework was interesting and challenging." - Patricia Meacham

"As an adult educator, the courses within the Adult Education program have been a valuable asset in shaping how I go about facilitating adult learning in an effective and holistic manner. The program has been instrumental in the way I plan for and deliver instruction as well as how I assess the outcomes. I am thankful for the impact the program has had on me and how I was able to use that impact to become a better adult educator." - Joey Jones

Our Graduates Work as:

Community/ Technical College Instructors Cooperative Extension Agents Adult Basic Education/ Literacy Instructors
Human Resource and Organizational Trainers Military Trainers College Support Staff
English as a Second Language
Developmental Studies Instructors Community Education



 Last Modified 10/4/19