WKU Student Scholar Showcase Workshop Series: How to Present a Flash Talk
- Date: Tuesday, March 7th, 20232023-03-07
- Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
- Location: VirtualVirtual
Join the WKU Office of Research and Creative Activity for the last installment of the 2023 Student Scholar Showcase workshop series presented by Dr. Ranjit Koodali, Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Education.
Students will learn the best practices of giving an approximate five-minute presentation at a research conference that gives a clear and succinct overview of your research or creative activity.
To join the workshop on Zoom, visit: https://wku.zoom.us/j/96390024031
For more information, visit: www.wku.edu/showcase.
Contact: student.showcase@wku.edu
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