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Admissions Counselor


Trevor Champion

Trevor Champion


Get to know Trevor!

When did you start as a student at WKU? 
Fall 2020


When did you start as a WKU Admissions Counselor? 
Fall 2024


What is your favorite time of year at WKU? 
Probably the fall. To me, nothing beats those breezy months, knee-deep into the football season and gearing up for the holidays. 


Where are you from? 
Paducah, Kentucky


What did you study in college? 
I majored in Broadcasting and minored in Religious Studies and Theatre. 


Advice for new Hilltoppers? 
My advice to new Hilltoppers is simply to enjoy it. There are a lot of opportunities and experiences to be a part of. I encourage new students to be hard workers and to apply themselves to prepare for the season of life post-grad. But these four years will have some of the best moments of your life. College is great, so I hope you have fun. 


What does the WKU experience mean to you? 
The WKU experience to me means growth. I was tugged and pulled in the classroom and that, certainly, helped me grow as a student and now, a worker; but it was outside the classroom that I grew the most as a person. I am radically different now than I was when I first came to the Hill, and that is owed to the interconnectedness and passion found on the Hill, and the way the WKU experience poured into me. 


My favorite WKU tradition and/or memory is:
Walking across the stage on graduation day. It was the culmination of four fantastic and dedicated years, and it was a moment I reflect on with a lot of thankfulness.  


What is your favorite spot on WKU's campus?
My personal favorite spot was the WKU BCM. I was there day and night for five days a week, all four years. The BCM exemplified to me the heart of WKU, and I would encourage all students to check it out. 

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 Last Modified 9/3/24