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Admissions Counselor

Meredith Raby 

Meredith Raby


Get to know Meredith!


What year did you start as a student at WKU?

Fall 2020


When did you start as a WKU Admissions Counselor?

September 2024


What is your favorite time of year at WKU?

Fall! Campus is beautiful year-round but there’s something really special about seeing the Hill in a golden hue.


Where are you from?

Franklin, KY


What did you study in college?

I earned my B.S.  in Environmental, Geographic, and Sustainability Studies with a double major in Anthropology (with a cultural anthropology concentration). I loved the data and “science-y” content that ESGS provided me and the people aspect of anthropology which led to studying both!


Advice for new Hilltoppers?

You only have so much time in undergrad, so savor every moment of it and try something new. Make friends with the people on your residence hall floor, say yes to studying with classmates in the Commons, create a signature drink at Spencer’s, apply to study abroad, and do as much as you can without spreading yourself too thin. There are few times in your life when you have as many resources and opportunities in front of you as you do in college- embrace the possibilities!


What does the WKU experience mean to you?

The WKU experience for me has always been about community. In undergrad, I had a network of people that were willing to work with me to see me succeed. Whether that was faculty who offered extra assistance on a project that I was having trouble with or friends that would attend events I was participating In cheer me on, I knew that I could always find a friendly face on campus.


My favorite WKU tradition and/or memory is:

I had the opportunity to serve WKU as a Spirit Master, one of the official ambassadors of the university, during my senior year. In this role I had the chance to serve both WKU and the Bowling Green community at a variety of events. One of the very first assignments I volunteered for was the Spring 2023 College Recognition Ceremonies. I will always treasure being able to cheer for my friends who encouraged me to get involved in Spirit Masters and cultivate new friendships with my incoming class working alongside me. It was a perfect beginning to one of my favorite collegiate experiences. Spirit Masters 4 Life!


What is your favorite spot on WKU's campus?

The Commons at Helm Library is one of my absolute favorite spots on campus. Any location where I can order a Huckleberry Ben from Spencer’s Coffee is automatically alright in my book, and I loved being able to catch up with friends over tea or have an early morning study session with a hot latte.


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 Last Modified 9/18/24