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Admissions Checklist


Full Checklist


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Apply to WKU: The application for admission to WKU can be found at wku.edu/apply. Our application does not require letters of recommendation nor essays and can most often times be completed in one sitting. 


Send Scores and Transcripts: After submitting an application, students must also submit some required documents. An official high school transcript is required for admission, and if a student has taken the ACT or SAT, they will want to send those scores to us as well. For information on how to submit these documents check out the resources found here. High school counselors may submit these documents using the School Partner portal. 


Visit Campus and Attend Events: Students are not just choosing a college, they're choosing a home, and the best way to know they're making the right decision is to get on campus! We encourage students to schedule an official campus tour and plan to attend upcoming campus events


Apply for Housing: The housing application is required for all incoming students planning to live on campus. This application will not only be used to assign you to a residence hall, but also to your roommate. The housing application opens each year in the late fall. For more information about residence halls, the housing application, or overall housing requirements check out the Housing and Residence Life website.


Complete FAFSA and TOPDollar application: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required for students to receive federal grants and loans. FAFSA completion is also required for students wanting to obtain on-campus employment. Students can complete the FAFSA at fafsa.gov. The TOPDollar application is a single scholarship application which encompasses all scholarship opportunities available at WKU.



Register for TOP: The Topper Orientation Program (TOP) is a mandatory orientation program for all incoming students. At TOP students will have the opportunity to connect with currents Hilltoppers, meet with various campus representatives, receive their official WKU ID card, and schedule their first semester of classes. 



Sign up for M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan: Students can experience the Hilltopper spirit one week early at M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan. M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan is WKU's transition program for all new undergraduate students and is designed to help students smoothly transition to their new life as a Hilltopper. 



Accept Scholarships and Financial Aid: Scholarships as well as federal and state aid will be awarded to you through your WKU student TopNet account. The deadline to accept these funds is May 1st.


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 Last Modified 11/22/24