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Dr. Qingfang Song, Associate Professor of Child & Family Services


I am Qingfang Song. I joined the Department of Applied Human Sciences in 2016.

I enjoy working with students and taking a facilitator role in students’ intellectual and personal growth here at WKU. I would like to hear about students’ feedback and suggestions about course development, as well as collaborate with students to conduct and develop research projects.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or any ideas that you have!

Courses I teach: (You can locate the course descriptions by searching here)

  • FACS 277 Development in Middle Childhood
  • FACS 297 Family, Community and Early Childhood Program
  • FACS 312 Professional Ethics for Family Life
  • FACS 399 Implications of Research in Family and Child Studies
  • FACS 510 Professional Development Seminar
  • FACS 543 Global perspectives of Child and Family
  • FACS 551 Community, Child & Youth Program Development

Research Interests

I am interested in individual’s psychosocial adjustment. My work examines the joint influences from individual characteristics (e.g., children’s facial emotion recognition), family environment (e.g., parent-child reminiscing), and sociocultural contexts. I adopt various research measures, including narratives, physiological stress reactivity measures, questionnaires and observations, to unveil the cognitive, biological, and behavioral aspects of individual’s emotional experiences.

Recent Selected Publications

Song, Q., Smiley, P. A., & Doan, S. N. (2022). The moderating effect of facial emotion recognition in maternal emotion socialization on child socioemotional adjustment. Social Development. https://doi.org/10.1111/sode.12593

Song, Q., Lent, M. C., Suo, T., Murray-Close, D., & Wang, Q. (2021). Relational victimization and depressive symptoms: The interactive role of physiological reactivity and narrative processing. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 166, 92-201.

Song, Q., & Wang, Q. (2020). Mother-child reminiscing about peer experiences in European American and Chinese immigrant families: The impact on children’s relational self-concepts. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 11, 40-48.


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 Last Modified 3/1/25