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Department of Applied Human Sciences

Department of Applied Human Sciences

The department views the family, in all its diverse forms, as the cornerstone of a healthy society. 

Our mission is to improve the well-being of the family through programs that educate and influence public policy, career paths and family life. Our vision is to be recognized as preparing the best-qualified graduates in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Our focus  is on preparing students for living, learning, and leading in global communities and career endeavors. 

Since it's beginning in 1911, many changes have occurred in the department; however, one thing that has not changed is the high standard of academic quality offered throughdynamic Majors, Minors, Certificate Programs, and involved student organizations.

Students in the Applied Human Sciences department have consistently been awarded top honors by the college and have been awarded not only local, but national and international scholarships and awards for their hard work.  Students are well prepared for careers in a wide variety of fields and compete successfully in the global market.




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in the Department of Applied Human Sciences

This program offers two concentrations which lead to a Bachelor of Science degree:

Child and Family Services (CFCF)

    • This concentration provides a program of study for those who wish to work in a child or family-focused environment. This concentration is also a wonderful preparation for students desiring to study in practice-focused masters level programs that center on children and families.


Family and Consumer Sciences Education (CFED)

    • This concentration leads to teacher certification. The central purpose of the concentration is to prepare graduates who can successfully assume the positions of family and consumer sciences educators in middle and secondary schools.

The major in Hospitality Management and Dietetics program offers three distinct concentrations:

Hotel Restaurant & Tourism (CFHR)

    • The Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management concentration requires 59 semester hours which include the common core courses and the concentration specific courses. This concentration helps prepare students for careers in hotel and resort management, restaurant management, hospital and school food service, meeting and convention planning, sales and marketing, business and industry food service, catering, and tourism.


Nutrition & Dietetics (CFND)

    • The Nutrition and Dietetics concentration requires 67 semester hours which include the common core courses and the concentration specific courses. This concentration meets requirements of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics and fulfills one of the steps necessary to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. A grade point average of 3.0 on at least 30 credit hours is required for admission to the Nutrition and Dietetics concentration.


Food, Nutrition & Wellness (CFNW)

    • The Food, Nutrition and Wellness concentration requires 59 semester hours which include the common core courses and the concentration specific courses. This concentration does not meet accreditation requirements leading to status as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. This concentration helps prepare students for careers in extension services, community food programs, food service management, wellness programs, pharmaceutical sales, and quality control or public relations for the food industry.

The major in Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising requires a minimum of 78-81 semester hours and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. The program offers two concentrations:

  1. Fashion Merchandising (CFAS)
  2. Interior Design (CINT)


The minor in child studies requires a minimum of 21 semester hours, and a grade of “C” or above must be earned. 

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The minor in child studies requires a minimum of 21 semester hours, and a grade of “C” or above must be earned. 

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The minor in Meeting and Convention Planning provides students with the range of interdisciplinary skills necessary for success as a meeting, convention, and/or event manager in a variety of settings to include numerous venues in the hospitality and tourism industry. The minor requires a minimum of 21 semester hours.

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The Early Childhood Education Director Certificate prepares students to direct a child care center. Upon completion, students will be eligible to receive the Kentucky Early Childhood Director credential.

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The Family Home Visiting certificate will prepare students to provide home visiting services. Potential clients include those needing parenting skills, those at risk for abusing and neglecting their children, and/or those who need other support services.

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This program is designed to provide advanced study in the growth and development of the individual and family. The program builds competence in human development, integration of theory into practice, program development, and research—preparing graduates to critically evaluate and synthesize issues related to children, youth, and families. Fieldwork is incorporated in the curriculum.

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This graduate certificate program provides the knowledge and practice requirements established by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics to be eligible to take the Registered Dietitian (R.D.) examination. Only students accepted into the WKU Dietetic Internship will be eligible for admittance to the Graduate Certificate in Dietetic Practice.

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The Dietetic Internship at Western Kentucky University is a Masters/Dietetic Internship combined program with a concentration in Business Leadership. Dietetic interns will enroll in the Dietetic Practice Graduate Certificate program and the Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) program.  Our program provides 1050 hours of supervised practice experience with 160 additional hours of alternative learning opportunities. The Dietetic Interns upon graduation will have fulfilled the requirements necessary to be eligible to take the accreditation exam to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist as well as graduate with a MBA. 

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Wittney Harden

“As a first-generation college student, I entered college unsure of what route I wanted to take. I did some self-exploration and figured out that I wanted to work with children and families. When I found the Child Studies program, I found a home. Thanks to this program, I now excel in my career as an intervention specialist. I work with children ages three to twenty-three who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I am so thankful to the Child Studies program for giving me the tools to be successful in my career and my future.”

Wittney Hardin, Child & Family Services, B.S. Graduate

AHS Scholarship Application
WKU Scholarships & Financial Aid
Department History

  • 270-745-5128
  • ahs@wku.edu

  • Academic Complex
    1906 College Heights Blvd. #11037
    Bowling Green, KY 42101

Accreditations achieved within the Applied Human Sciences Department

Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) - Nutrition & Dietetic Undergraduate and Graduate programs

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) - Early Childhood Education Associate Degree

National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) - Interior Design program


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 Last Modified 2/28/25