Department of Allied Health
Welcome to the Department of Allied Health
Our mission is to provide a quality educational experience,
instill professionalism, encourage life long learning,
and assist students in the pursuit of excellence in their chosen field.
Allied Health encompasses professional, technical, and supportive workers in patient care, public health, and health research. Allied Health professions include a wide distribution of personnel with various levels of health education and training, which enables them to function as a members of the health care team.
Academic Programs:
Program of Dental Hygiene
During the Summer and Fall of 2015, the Program of Dental Hygiene clinic and lab areas, as well as the Allied Health department offices underwent a major renovation. Read more about the Open House here.
Contact Us
270.745.2427 |
Academic Complex, room 236G
Fall and Spring office hours:
Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm