Course Selection
The Certificate for Advanced Professionalism is earned by completing the requirements for the PEAK Passport along with 12 hours of academic credit in the following areas:
Advanced Communication Courses
Choose 3 courses, maximum of 6 hours from any prefix
- BDAN 310 Business Data Analytics
- COMM 240 Critical Listening
- COMM 260 Fundamental of Communication & Culture
- COMM 330 Leadership Communication
- COMM 345 Advanced Public Speaking
- COMM 365 Intercultural Communication
- COMM 463 Advanced Intercultural Communication
- ENG 306 Business Writing
- ENG 307 Technical Writing
- MGT 305 Critical Thinking in Management
- MKT 325 Personal Selling
Some of these courses lists prerequisites that could require additional coursework by the student. It is important to note that the prerequisite statement also includes "or permission of the instructor." Please check the current course catalog for course descriptions.
Applied Career Experiences
Choose one course
- ACCT 390 Internship in Accounting
- CIS 369 Cooperative Education in Information Systems
- ECON 490 Practicum in Economics
- ENT 490 Practicum in Entrepreneurship
- FIN 440 Internship in Finance
- MGT 490 Practicum in Management
- MKT 490 Practicum in Marketing
- BA 490 College of Business Internship
BA 495 Career Development Activities
Required 0-credit hour course. Students should enroll in BA 495 during either one of the last two semesters prior to graduation.
BA 495 is the course that tracks student participation and completion of required enrichment activities, according to a points-based system. There are four areas of enrichment programming: Required, Developmental Workshops, Job Search and Exploration and Networking Events. Attendance at these events is monitored through the S.E.A.T. program and tracked by the faculty of record for the course.
Prerequisites: Senior standing and admission into the College of Business.
Interested in CAP? Have Questions?
Contact Monica Duvall for additional information.