Facebook Pixel Recipient Erik Geiman | Western Kentucky University

Recipient Erik Geiman

A Bit About Erik

As a double major in German and Architectural Science, Erik Geiman wanted very much to find a study abroad experience during which he could combine both his interests. After researching his options extensively, Erik chose the IES Program Berlin, where he immersed himself in both disciplines for six weeks in summer 2017. One of the best things about this program was “speaking the language,” Erik said. “From the moment I landed in Berlin, I was using my German to get around, to connect to people, and to learn more about how they think and what they care about. I spoke only German with my host family, and took part in all aspects of German family life, from helping to cook meals to assembling IKEA furniture.” Erik’s architecture course helped him get acquainted with the amazing range of historical and modern buildings in Berlin. A high point? It is hard to say. Erik loved the Reichstag with its glass dome, and was impressed by James Simon Park (between Hackescher Markt and the Spree River) and its surrounding architecture. “I’m already thinking about how to get back to Germany. I hope to work in an architectural firm there. I want to learn more about design and sustainability so that I can bring that knowledge back to the United States.” 

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 Last Modified 12/5/18