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The Scholarship Fund of Epsilon Zeta Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

A 50 Year Legacy

The Epsilon Zeta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated was chartered on November 24, 1968. Epsilon Zeta was the first Greek letter organization at Western Kentucky University for African American young women.  The process began with the formation of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Study Group in the fall of 1967.  Beta Rho Omega (graduate) Chapter from Hopkinsville, KY served as the sponsor.  In April 1968, the group sponsored a successful Spring Fashion Show on the WKU campus with clothing provided by Castner-Knott Department store. The fashion show provided funds for a community service project that served low income elementary school girls.  The Central Regional Director, Soror Ordie Roberts, visited the campus on February 25, 1968 to talk with the enthusiastic young ladies about the qualifications and expectations for Alpha Kappa Alpha members. Mrs. Mary Burks, Dean of Women, was instrumental in arranging this visit. Beta Rho Omega assisted the advisors in pledging the young women who qualified beginning on September 30, 1968.  The final installation banquet was November 24 and the speaker was Mrs. A.G. Gaston.  Her topic was Effective Service to Humanity. Dr. Mabel Anderson was the first on-campus advisor. The charter members are: Soror Alice Adams, Soror Sherrie Butler, Soror Christola Clark, Soror Veronica Cross, Soror Lynda Dickson, Soror Patricia Garrison, Soror Susie Jackson, Soror Carrie Jones, Soror Brenda Lee, Soror Benita Lynch, Soror Rose Mary Robinson, Soror Frances Sandifer, Soror JoAnn Sandifer, Soror Carol Scott, Soror Linda Thompson, Soror Carolyn Victor, and Soror Carolyn Witherspoon. 

To continue the legacy started 50 years ago, the ladies have created the Scholarship Fund of Epsilon Zeta Chapter, Alpha Kappa Sorority, Inc. Through this fund, a young woman from the chapter will receive assistance and encouragement. If you'd like to be a part of this legacy, please consider donating today via the donation button. 




 Last Modified 3/25/19