Delta Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Scholarship Fund
The Delta Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta was chartered on March 27, 1965. For nearly 60 years, our sisterhood here on Western Kentucky University’s campus has continued to live out the Kappa Delta motto in all we do – “Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest.”
Over the course of the last few years, as the world has faced many challenges from the pandemic, so have our sisters in Kappa Delta. For sisters to have the best experience in Kappa Delta and at WKU, WKU KD Alumnae created the Delta Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Scholarship Fund. Sometimes, sisters find themselves struggling financially throughout college – many times these struggles hold sisters back from experiencing their time in Kappa Delta to the fullest. Through this fund, chapter members will have the opportunity to receive assistance and encouragement to help them continue their journey at WKU and in Kappa Delta. Our goal is to provide support to sisters that without additional funding would have to alter their academic goals, and/or membership in Kappa Delta. If you would like to participate in supporting the women of Kappa Delta, please consider donating.