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Stuff the Bus Scholarship Fund Guidelines

College Heights Foundation

Guidelines for the

Stuff the Bus Scholarship Fund


1. This Scholarship Fund is administered by the College Heights Foundation as an endowed account.  This fund is established by Tony Rose, a Bowling Green, Kentucky radio personality, who founded the Stuff the Bus event in 2006.  This annual program provides school supplies to Family Resource Centers at schools throughout Southcentral Kentucky.  In addition to the tons of school supplies provided through the Stuff the Bus event, this scholarship fund will provide financial assistance to deserving students in perpetuity thus completing the cycle of helping students in need all the way from kindergarten through their college graduation.

2. The principal will remain intact with only the earnings from investment used to make scholarship awards.

3. Two scholarships will be initially awarded in the amount of $1,000 each.  The number and amount of awards will be reviewed on an annual basis and determined based upon the development of the Fund, the rate of earnings, and other factors that affect the availability of funds.  The College Heights Foundation will fund one of the $1,000 awards until the total fund balance reaches a level to support the two awards annually.    

4. Preference will be given to applicants who are enrolled as full-time students at Western Kentucky University.  If there are no qualified applicants enrolled at WKU, applicants attending another university within the Commonwealth of Kentucky may be considered.  Special consideration will be given to one male and one female student each year if there are eligible applicants.

5. Recipients must be a child or grandchild of a current or retired school bus driver in one of the following counties in Kentucky:  Allen, Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Grayson, Hart, Logan, Metcalfe, Monroe, Simpson, or Warren (including any city, county, private, or home schools within these counties).

6. Recipients must have held a part-time job during their high school tenure.

7. Recipients must be a graduate of a high school in one of the following counties:  Allen, Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Grayson, Hart, Logan, Metcalfe, Monroe, Simpson, or Warren (including any city, county, private, or home schools within these counties).

8. Recipients may major in any field of study or may be undeclared at the time of application.

9. Recipients must be in solid community standing as determined by the Stuff the Bus Scholarship Committee.  Individuals must possess the personal qualities of character, integrity, dependability, industriousness and human compassion which produce leaders and merit the honor of this award.

10. Applicants must complete a WKU scholarship application prior to the published deadline each year.  Applications must be submitted to the University Scholarship Committee in order to be considered.

11. Students applying for the award may indicate on their application that they are applying for the Stuff the Bus Scholarship.

12. Recipients will be selected by the Stuff the Bus Scholarship Committee, including Tony Rose, Bobby Hunton, Steve Meredith, Cliff Cothern (representing WBKO-TV), and two at-large seats (which will be selected by other members of the committee).  At any point, the Stuff the Bus Scholarship Committee can hand over selection to the University Scholarship Committee for future years by a majority vote.

13. Award notification will be sent in the form of a letter from the University Scholarship Committee, with the letter to contain appropriate recognition of the Stuff the Bus Scholarship Fund. 

 Last Modified 12/5/18