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Our students have the unique opportunity to participate in intensive Chinese language study concurrent with any major of study, including one year of immersive language and internship study in Taiwan.

Chinese Flagship Program 中文领航

Why Join Us?

  • Achieve superior level of Mandarin Chinese proficiency
  • A structured 5-year curriculum
  • Access multiple study abroad opportunities
  • Engage in monthly cultural events
  • Receive one-on-one tutoring with native speakers
  • Open doors to future career opportunities
  • Join one of the 8 prestigious Chinese Flagship Programs in the nation


What is the Language Flagship Program?

  • National initiative for undergraduates in any major to achieve professional-level proficiency in critical languages.
  • Develops global professionals with diverse academic backgrounds and advanced proficiency in strategic languages.
  • Currently sponsors 19 programs at 14 U.S. universities.
  • Offers a 5-year curriculum in critical languages.
  • In the fifth year, qualified students complete a Capstone year abroad, studying and interning in their field while fully immersed in the target language.


What Does the Language Flagship Experience Offer?

  • Gain professional proficiency in a critical language (Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian)
  • Opportunities for Flagship students to integrate their major(s) with language learning process
  • Instant community on-campus
  • Cultural immersion activities
  • Individualized language tutoring
  • Summer immersion experience
  • Capstone year overseas opportunity (homestay or local roommate experience, direct enrollment in courses, cultural immersion, and complete professional internship)
  • Become a global professional
  • Alumni networking opportunities


WKU Chinese Flagship Program Video Preview

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 Last Modified 1/30/25