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CSD Faculty Features

Jeffrey Barefoot, Au.D, CCC-A | Clinical Assistant Professor

Courses: CD 290 Clinical Observation, CD 347 Bases of Speech, CD 482 Audiology, CD 487 Aural Rehabilitation, CD 515 Rehabilitative Audiology

jeffrey barefoot

What is your favorite course you teach?

Introduction to  Audiology course - It brings me a lot of enjoyment to experience students making the connection between anatomy, assessment, and remediation of hearing impairment.  This class introduces students to many new terms and concepts and it's rewarding to engage with the students and see them apply the new concepts.

What is your go-to advice for CSD students?

Majoring in a healthcare profession is not for everyone.  It takes a variety of skills to be successful.  The balance of intelligence, organization, commitment, aptitude, and the ability to be personable and caring is paramount for success.  The key is to persevere.  Persevere when content is hard, when scheduling everything that must be done is difficult, when others quit, and when you don't feel like doing something required for a class.  The unsuccessful will find " that obstacle" that will get in their way.  History has always proven, successful people find the way for themselves through perseverance.

What is your favorite item in your office and why?

The coolest things in my office right now are a meteorite and coprolite.  The meteorite is cool because I can hold space in my hand!  The coprolite is cool because....  well, the meteorite is cool.

Do you have any hidden talents or interests?

Personal interests include family, investing, hiking, trees, antique radios and classic automobiles.

What is one thing still left on your bucket list?

On my bucket list?  Drive a classic car and visit each state resort park in the commonwealth with my wife.  Kentucky is blessed with amazing state resort parks!

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 Last Modified 10/8/18