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GRE® Test Prep

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You are ready for graduate school. Let us help you take the first step to an advanced degree! The live-online GRE Test Prep course from WKU will give you the skills and confidence you need to maximize your performance on the GRE. Sharpen your skills on actual GRE exam questions and follow our proven study plan on your way to success.

WKU Test Prep is here to help you learn about the GRE General Test and to give you the skills and tools you need to maximize your potential. Our updated, comprehensive program covers each of the three main sections of the GRE General Test—Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. We will walk you through each section and prepare you for all of the question types you are likely to encounter on test day.

Learn more about testing locations, registration, and taking the GRE exam on the ETS-GRE webpage.

Expert Instructors: Our highly trained instructors are here for you! Our experienced instructors understand the GRE and care about helping you achieve your goals.

Proven Strategies: Our GRE program was developed by test-preparation experts, who have years of experience writing test questions and preparing students for success on standardized exams.

Online Support: Our online support package for live-online GRE courses includes access to recordings of all class modules, an instructor-monitored question forum, and online office hours. Access to online resources continues through 120 days after your last scheduled class session, so you will still have support for your independent practice after your course is over.

Convenient Schedule Options: Live-online courses provide a variety of schedules and the added benefit of taking the class from anywhere in the world.

Value: The course fee includes all student course materials, access to online resources, and instruction from a trained professional who cares about your success.

Live-Online GRE Test Prep classes are offered in real-time online, giving you the flexibility to attend class from anywhere. Our live-online classroom programs give you the familiar experience of working within a traditional classroom setting. Live-online classes offer the same great program as the traditional GRE prep class with the added flexibility of attending class from anywhere or at any time. Our virtual classroom provides you with the opportunity to interact in real-time with our expert instructors with the added benefit of watching recordings of your class sessions at your convenience for up to 120 days after the course ends.

System Requirements:

The Live-Online GRE Prep Course is offered online using Adobe Connect, a free application. All you need are a high-speed internet connection and speakers or head phones.

Check your system for Compatibility

The WKU GRE Prep class is ideal for those seeking an advanced degree in a wide range of fields within the next five years. This course is designed for those looking to return to school, recent graduates, and current undergraduate students seeking assistance with the complex quantitative and verbal skills needed to succeed on the GRE. Fields of study that typically require or accept the GRE include: Education, the physical and life sciences, engineering, social work, public administration, and business. Many MBA programs now also accept the GRE.

Quantitative Test topics include:

  • Solution strategies, both for quantitative comparison and for multiple choice problems
  • Tips for breaking complex word problems into small, manageable parts
  • Tips for turning geometry diagrams into solvable equations
  • Review of the math concepts frequently tested on the exam

Verbal Test topics include:

  • Solving problems when you don’t know the vocabulary
  • Answering reading comprehension questions quickly, without reading the entire passage
  • Using comparison and contrast clues to solve sentence completion problems

General Topics Include:

  • Solving “Multiple Right Answer” questions
  • Utilizing the process of elimination
  • Mastering time management skills
  • Minimizing test anxiety
  • Identifying common distractors
  • Additionally, strategies for the analytical writing section are outlined, and sample prompts with accompanying essays are discussed.
WKU’s Test Prep program is a partner with Educational Testing Consultants, a leader in higher education test preparation. Each year, Educational Testing Consultants helps thousands of students at major colleges and universities across the United States.  Educational Testing Consultants provides a proven program with a record of success and highly trained, top-quality instructors.  Learn more about Educational Testing Consultants at etctestprep.com.

"...Upon taking the class, doing the work, and using the techniques provided in the class my score went up 100 points on the verbal and 50 points on the quantitative areas. This class was concise, educational, and very beneficial."


"I truly don't think I would have passed the exam without your class. You were very supportive and provided many insightful tips for strategies on taking the exam. I am extremely satisfied with my results and I know the course was worth every penny."


ETS, GRE, and SAT are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.


All trademarks, product names, company names and logos appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners. This website and advertised classes are not endorsed or approved by trademark owners, including, but not limited to: ETS®, GMAC®, LSAC®, College Board®, and ACT®.

For additional information about the exams, please contact the exam administrator.

See Full Test Prep Schedule

Visit the Distance Learning Testing Center webpage for more information about taking your exam at WKU.

Free GRE Strategy Workshops

Join us for an informative introduction to the GRE General Test. Come meet with our experienced instructor to learn about the test and pick up a few tricks.

Who Should Attend:
This free session is open to all individuals considering graduate school, including university juniors and seniors as well as those who have been out of school for a while. If you have taken the test before, this session will refresh your memory. If you are new to the test, this session is a great introduction to the GRE General Test.  It is also a great way to sample the course experience if you are unsure that a comprehensive course is right for you.

Search for "free" on the full schedule to see full list of free workshops.

 Last Modified 12/15/23