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LSAT® Test Prep


Our LSAT Test Prep Courses are precisely scheduled to make sure students reach test day performing at their peak. Take the mystery out of the LSAT and get the tools you need to succeed on test day!

Gain admission into the law school of your choice with LSAT Test Preparation from WKU’s only official live-online LSAT Prep Course. Master the skills needed to succeed on the LSAT and take the test with the confidence of knowing that you prepared with Bowling Green’s LSAT experts.

Our intensive LSAT prep program includes 30 hours of live-online instruction from experienced exam preparation professionals. The easy to follow program uses proven techniques to simplify the LSAT. WKU’s LSAT course uses questions from actual LSAT exams, so that you know your preparation is as close to the real thing as possible.

LSAC requires every participant in an authorized, full-length LSAT preparation class to have a subscription to LawHub Advantage. LawHub Advantage contains several features to aid you in the process of applying to law school and preparing for the LSAT, including access to over 75 practice tests.

Purchase LawHub Advantage from LSAC or see whether you qualify for a fee waiver for LawHub Advantage.

*Course materials will be shipped to the address provided when you register for our course. We recommend registering at least five (5) business days in advance of the course start date to facilitate timely delivery of your course materials package. Are you registering within the five (5) business days of the course start or after the  course start? Not a problem. Students will be emailed digital workbook handouts for the class sessions to facilitate participation until their course materials are delivered.

  • Expert Instructors: Our instructors are highly trained professionals. Our professional instructors know the LSAT and the law school application experience.
  • Proven Strategies: Our program was developed by LSAT experts, who have years of experience writing LSAT exam questions and preparing students for success on the exam.
  • Superior Materials: The live-online LSAT Prep Course includes 2 recent volumes of released tests published by LSAC. Students also receive the our updated LSAT Course Workbook.
  • Online Support: Our online support package includes access to recordings of all class modules, an instructor-monitored question forum, and online office hours.  Access to online resources continues through 120 days after your last scheduled class session, so you will still have support for your independent practice after class is over.
  • Flexible Schedule Options: Strategically scheduled courses ensure that you will perform at your peak on exam day. Choose from a variety of online schedule options throughout the year to prepare for the LSAT exam date of your choice.

LSAT Test Prep classes are offered in real-time online, giving you the flexibility to attend class from anywhere. Our live-online classroom programs give you the familiar experience of working within a traditional classroom setting. Live-online classes offer the same great program as the traditional LSAT prep class with the added flexibility of attending class from anywhere or at any time. Our virtual classroom provides you with the opportunity to interact in real-time with our expert instructors with the added benefit of watching recordings of your class sessions at your convenience for up to 120 days after the course ends.

System Requirements:

The Live-Online LSAT Prep Class is offered online using Adobe Connect, a free application. All you need to participate in live-online classes or live-online office hours are a high-speed internet connection and speakers or headphones.

Check your system for Compatibility

All American Bar Association (ABA) Certified Law Schools require a valid LSAT score as part of the admissions process. This course is ideal for current undergraduates, recent graduates, and anyone looking to apply to law school. The LSAT test is administered four times annually. We recommend that students take the LSAT Test Prep class as close to their chosen exam date as possible. 

Logical Reasoning Topics

  • Strategies for evaluating an argument’s structure and quality
  • Easy-to-apply strategies for solving each type of logical reasoning question
  • Logical concepts, including inferences involving conditional statements and the key tool of counterexamples
  • An overview of the most common fallacies found in logical reasoning flaw questions

Reading Comprehension Topics

  • A full description of reading comprehension passage types
  • A step-by-step approach to questions that concern the passage as a whole
  • Identifying key words in the question that indicate how to use the passage to find the correct answer
  • Recognizing the correct answer after narrowing the choices down to two

Test-Taking Strategies

  • Utilizing the process of elimination
  • Mastering time-management skills
  • Minimizing test anxiety
  • Identifying common distractions
WKU’s Test Prep program is a partner with Educational Testing Consultants, a leader in higher education test preparation. Each year, Educational Testing Consultants helps thousands of students at major colleges and universities across the United States.  Educational Testing Consultants provides a proven program with a record of success and highly trained, top-quality instructors. Learn more about Educational Testing Consultants at www.etctestprep.com.

"I took the LSAT review course with you guys and I just got my scores back. I am very happy with them. Thank you!”

“I would like to take the opportunity to say THANK YOU for all of your guidance and instruction. It has truly been a blessing taking your class. Your knowledge, and willingness to go the extra mile to help us succeed is unmatched in my opinion. Hats off to you, great class, and thanks.”

LSAC®, LSAT, Law School Admission Test®, and Law School Admission Council® are trademarks of Law School Admission Council, Inc.

Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) does not endorse or approve this website or advertised products. All trademarks, product names, and company names and logos appearing on etctestprep.com are the property of their respective owners.


All trademarks, product names, company names and logos appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners. This website and advertised classes are not endorsed or approved by trademark owners, including, but not limited to: ETS®, GMAC®, LSAC®, College Board®, and ACT®.

For additional information about the exams, please contact the exam administrator.

See Full Test Prep Schedule

Visit the Distance Learning Testing Center webpage for more information about taking your exam at WKU.

 Last Modified 8/25/24