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(AOL) Business Data Analytics Majors

(AOL) Business Data Analytics Majors

Spring 2024 - BDAN 420 Final Project Guideline

-- You can download the guideline by following this link --

Final Project Guidelines

Your final project consists of two components

  • Part I: Final Comprehensive Report (150 Points)
  • Part II: 10 to 20-Minute Pitch Video (150 Points)

Guideline for Part I- Comprehensive Written Report

Your written report framework should encompass the seven essential steps of the Business Analytics Process, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The 7th steps of the Business Analytics Process

  Figure 1. The 7th steps of the Business Analytics Process

Ensure your report begins with a comprehensive introduction to your project. Follow this structure, progressing through each step, and conclude with a concise summary of your research findings and conclusions:

  • Introduction to Your Project
    • Step 1: Understanding the Business Problem
    • Step 2: Data Understanding and Collection
    • Step 3: Data Preparation and Feature Selection
    • Step 4: Development of Models
    • Step 5: Evaluation and Interpretation of Models
    • Step 6: Communication of Model and Results
    • Step 7: Deployment of Model
  • Summary of Findings & Conclusion

Guideline for Part II - Pitch Video (10 to 20-Minute Maximum)

Your video should include:

  • Creative Introduction
  • Detailed discussion on your topic/research questions.
  • Your analysis and your findings.
  • Well formatted display of your findings.
  • A well-crafted visual data narrative that supports your story.
  • Clear explanation of the data exploration process
  • Image answers the chosen question in a compelling manner\
  • Visualization can function as a "stand-alone" figure
  • Expressive and effective visualization, good choice of visual encodings
  • Appropriate caption, labels, and description
  • Compelling Argument
  • Visuals targeted @ appropriate audience
  • Data represented accurately & adequately
  • Well-designed slide presentation
  • Persuasive/compelling presentation

Video Grading Criteria: Your video will be evaluated based on the following criteria, ranging from the lowest score (lacking) to the maximum score (excellent), as illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Evaluation Rubric

Figure 2. Evaluation Rubric


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 Last Modified 5/6/24