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(AOL) Business Data Analytics Majors

(AOL) Business Data Analytics Majors

BDAN 420 Student Video Presentation Grading Rubric

-- The rubic can be downloaded from the following link --






Identify appropriate data structures to solve business problems


Problem and Data Description

The problem and data are described in an appropriate and sufficient manner.

The problem and data are described, but minor issues may exist or additional clarification may be needed.

Significant issues exist with the business problem and data description.

There is little or no explanation of the problem or the data.


Data Preparation

The data is prepared in an appropriate and sufficient manner.

The data is prepared, but minor issues or additional preparation may be needed.


Significant issues exist with the data preparation.

There is little or no explanation of the data preparation.

Model and computationally analyze business-oriented data




The data modeling used is appropriate and correct for the data and the problem.

The data modeling is appropriate, but minor issues may exist, or additional steps may be needed.

The data modeling is appropriate, but significant issues exist or significant steps are omitted.


The data model has little or no relation to the problem being addressed.



The data analysis used is appropriate, correct, and sufficient to support the findings.

The data analysis is appropriate, but minor issues may exist, or additional information may be needed.

The data analysis is related but not sufficient to support the findings, or significant data analysis issues prevent

a clear reading of the results.

The data analysis has little or no relation to the topic being explored, and/or data issues make the findings unusable.

Present and communicate graphical information related to various data analytic models


The visualization is usable and actionable

The visualization is targeted to the audience, the story is evident, and the conclusion or action required is clearly apparent.

There is a clear message or story conveyed, but the action or conclusion to be drawn is not clearly stated or requires interpretation.

The visualization suggests some possibilities but does not lead to clarity of understanding and therefore action is not possible.


No apparent message or relevancy to the user; no actions can be nor should be taken based on the analysis.

Presentation quality

Extremely well-organized. Clear and engaging audio and video. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the steps involved.

Organized and easy to follow. Clear audio and video.

Demonstrates a good understanding of the steps involved.

Somewhat organized, with some difficulty in following. Adequate audio and video. Demonstrates a superficial or vague understanding of

the steps involved.

Poorly organized, difficult to follow. Unclear audio or video. Does not demonstrate understanding of the steps involved.

Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 5/6/24