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Dental Hygiene Degree Track Options

Associate of Science (226)
Degree Path
Degree Program Check Sheet
Bachelor of Science (524)
Degree Path
BS Degree Program Check Sheet
Bachelor of Science with Education Track (524)
Degree Path
BS Degree Program Check Sheet

Transferring Credits?

 WKU's Transfer Equivalencies

WKU Transfer Center is here to help students understand how credits will transfer to WKU.

Getting Started

Would you like a tour of the Dental Hygiene facilities? 

Would you like to talk with the Program Director about your options before you apply?

Call 270.745.2427 to schedule

Pre-Dental Hygiene Majors

Upon acceptance to WKU, you may declare Pre-Dental Hygiene (226P for Associate degree and 524P for Bachelor degree) as your major.  You will be assigned an advisor in the CHHS ACDC lab who will guide you in the right direction as you prepare to apply to your Dental Hygiene program of study.

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 Last Modified 6/15/23