Get Certified
Kentucky teacher certification is based upon the completion of a teacher preparation
program that includes student teaching and testing when applicable. Kentucky requires
a recommendation from the certification official at the college/university (where
the applicant completed his/her initial teacher preparation program) regarding the
specific teacher preparation program completed, grade level, degree level, and completion
date of the program.
Required Documentation For Teacher Certification Recommendation
Starting May2, 2022 you should log into your EPSB account at and follow the instructions listed for completing a certification application (CA-1).
Other Forms Relating To Teacher Certification
Electronic Signature Instructions for Students
+15 Form Toward Next Rank
This form is for teachers who have completed 15 hours towards a planned Rank I or II program and qualify for a pay increase. There must be an approved Form C Program of Study on file with the Office of Teacher Certification for this to be processed.
Policy for Recommending Educator Certification Based on Proficiency Evaluation
Consistent with 16 KAR 5:030 on Proficiency Evaluation, Western Kentucky University (WKU) will provide an alternate means for recognizing competency and proficiency other than academic credit for those already holding a degree in a certifiable area or educators already holding initial certification. Read More About Proficiency Evaluations...