Environmental Health and Safety - BEAPs
AED LOCATION: 1st floor by the Front Desk; for use by trained personnel.
BLEEDING CONTROL KIT: Inside the AED cabinet on the 1st floor by the Front Desk; for use by trained personnel.
FIRE EVACUATION: Once outside, move away from the building and to the primary assembly area located
at the picnic table area behind the house.
EXTREME WEATHER: Relocate to the designated tornado shelter area located on the ground floor hallway G-9 & Hallway G-16; Main Floor, Hallway E-107, and area 109; Second floor under stairs in Kentucky Room, hallway E-211, near office 202 by desks in 213 against interior wall E.
FIRST AID KITS: (2) Lobby Desk and Woodworking Shop.
There are currently no floor plans available for this building.