2022 Summer Projects
Hilltop Pedestrian Circulation Main Campus Map
PDC and DFM is hard at work to improve and enhance campus! In the summer, these two departments capitalize on lower building occupancy to complete interior and exterior projects. Review the documents below to see what projects are planned for the summer of 2022.

Get a bird's-eye view of the PDC and DFM summer projects in progress with these stunning shots!

WKU visitors can expect various construction and repair projects across campus.
Normal St. Lot Construction Map
Normal St. Construction Images
Summer Construction Project Images

The Facilities Management staff tasked with maintaining the residence halls utilize the summer for rouitine maintence actions and renovations. This summer, Mundy Hall and Southwest Hall are undergoing HVAC monifications in anticipation of the 2022 fall semester. Hilltopper hall is recieving an HVAC renovation. McCormack Hall is recieving a targeted restoration. All these actions will improve the on campus experience of students in the fall.

Environmental services is completing floor restorations and deep cleaning projects throughout the summer break.