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GFCB Finance Staff

Yung Ling Lo, PhD
Yung Ling Lo, PhD
- Professor - Finance | Graduate Faculty
Teaching Area(s)
Investment Theories
Corporate Asset Management
Portfolio Management
Advanced Managerial Finance (graduate)

PhD, Finance, Florida State University, 2007

MBA, University of West Georgia, 1998

BBA, Management, University of West Georgia, 1997


Dr. Lo's research focuses on Corporate Finance, IPO, SEO, Stock Repurchase, Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Timing, Corporate Transparency, and Investments. She has published in European Financial Management; Journal of Economics and Finance; International Review of Accounting, Banking and Finance; Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics; North American Journal of Economics and Finance; and others. She is a member of the Financial Management Association, Southern Finance Association, Southwestern Finance Association, Eastern Finance Association, and Beta Gamma Sigma Society. Dr. Lo teaches undergraduate finance courses as well as face-to-face and online MBA courses. At the undergraduate level, Dr. Lo teaches investment theories, portfolio management, and corporate asset management. At the graduate level, she teaches advanced managerial finance.

Recent Publications
"Does Institutional investor cross holding create synergy? Evidence from the cost of equity" (with W.Y. Zhou, B.H. Liu, and K.C. Chan), Borsa Istanbul Review, 2022.
"Are venture capitalist-backed IPOs more innovative? Evidence from an emerging market" (with X. Feng and K.C. Chan), North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2020, 51.
"Impact of economic policy uncertainty on cash holdings: firm-level evidence from an emerging market" (with X. Feng and K.C. Chan), Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2019.
"The Impact of Analyst Coverage on Partial Acquisitions: Evidence from M&A Premium and Firm Performance in China" (with Y. Li and L. Miao), International Review of Economics and Finance, 2018, 63.
"Contemporary Innovation in China" (with Y. Li and K.C. Chan), The Chinese Economy, 2019, 52(5), 387-399.
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 Last Modified 12/14/18