Accredited AACSB for top business schools
Choose a business school with AACSB Accreditation, the benchmark of quality for business education worldwide
Accredited AACSB is an indication of excellence for accreditation among top business schools internationally. The Gordon Ford College of Business holds dual AACSB accreditation in business and accounting.
Accredited AACSB
The Gordon Ford College of Business have been accredited by AACSB International since 1982. The mission of AACSB International is to advance quality management education worldwide through accreditation and thought leadership. AACSB International accreditation symbolizes that an institution has achieved the recognition of having one of the best business programs, and one of the best accounting programs, in the world.
Accredited AACSB is earned recognition
Accreditation is a continuous process of voluntary, non-governmental review of educational institutions and programs. Institutional accreditation reviews entire colleges and universities. Specialized agencies award accreditation for professional programs and academic units in particular fields of study. As a specialized agency, AACSB International grants accreditation for undergraduate programs, graduate business administration, and accounting programs.
Accredited AACSB is proven value
AACSB International accreditation represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools, worldwide. Institutions that earn accreditation confirm their commitment to quality and continuous improvement through a rigorous and comprehensive peer review. AACSB International accreditation is the hallmark of excellence in management education.
Why Should AACSB Accreditation Matter to Me?
Going to college is a large investment for you and your family. You are going to spend hours studying, writing papers, making presentations, and taking exams. You also are going to spend a lot of money. All of that work and money should give you an ample return on your investment.
Not all business schools will provide a return on your investment. AACSB Accreditation ensures a school has passed rigorous quality standards and will provide employers with the knowledge they are hiring a quality business graduate from a quality business school. AACSB schools teach students the knowledge, skills, and professionalism that employers require.
Additionally, students moving on to graduate school will be able to gain entry into the top business master's programs in the country if they select an AACSB-Accredited insitution from semester one.
AACSB-Accredited Schools...
- are recognized worldwide by top employers and other universities
- have employers that only hire AACSB graduates
- have more access to recruiters
- have graduates that receive higher, more competitive salaries
- hire and retain the best professors and researchers
- have students who know more about international business
- have students who are more likely to earn advanced degrees
- have students with higher GPAs upon graduation
- are challenging and teaching relevant skills that provide a distinct advantage in the job market
Remember, not all accreditation is the same. Look for the AACSB symbol.
The Gordon Ford College of Business is a top business school with dual AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting programs.
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