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Career Opportunities

WKU Geology Grad Lands Dream Job at World's Largest Oil Company Video Preview

Our graduates are finding themselves in a wide array of jobs and careers. You can find our graduates at:

  • NASA 
  • NOAA
  • University Jobs
  • Graduate Schools
  • Exxon-Mobil
  • Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
  • Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
  • Govenment Sectors
  • Private Environmental & Geology Companies
  • Park Services

More information can be found here.

AGI Geoscience Career Brochure





  • AAPG - American Association of Petrolum Geologist
  • AEG - Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists
  • AGI – American Geological Institute
  • AGU - American Geophysical Union
  • AWG - Association for Women Geoscientists
  • GSA – Geological Society of America
  • KAS - Kentucky Academy of Science
  • MSA – Mineralogical Society of America
  • NAGT – National Association of Geoscience Teachers
  • NSS - National Spleological Society
  • SEPM – Society of Sedimentary Geology

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 Last Modified 7/15/24