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Dr. Margaret Crowder
Dr. Margaret Crowder
- Senior Instructor, Undergraduate Degree Advisor
  • Email margaret.crowder@wku.edu
  • Office EST 429
  • Phone Number 270-745-5973
  • Areas of Interest: Geoscience education, leadership, diversity and women in STEM

Dr. Margaret Crowder is a geologist focused on geoscience education and the advancement of women in areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).  She has an MST in geology from the University of Florida and an EdD in educational leadership from Western Kentucky University.  Her specific research interests from a pedagogical perspective are in the classroom incorporation of student-centered, problem-based learning for enhanced student engagement and understanding.  She is currently working to develop more hands-on, inquiry focused laboratory experiences for introductory geology students.  From an educational leadership perspective, Dr. Crowder is also interested in gendered organizations and the effects that gendering has on women in STEM disciplines and on women in the wider world of academia.  In her dissertation The University as a Gendered Organization: Effects on Management Type, Climate, and Job Satisfaction, she studied faculty job satisfaction and perceptions of organizational management type and climate, particularly focusing on the differences in these areas between genders and among college disciplines.  

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 Last Modified 7/31/24