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Graduate Studies - eSignature Forms

Admission to degree programs at WKU is based on approved admission requirements as listed in the Graduate Catalog. Applicants are required to submit their application online and send in all additional supporting materials to Graduate Studies. After the applicant submits the required documents, an admission packet is sent via eSignature to the designated admission coordinator for the program. The department makes an admission decision and forwards the decision to Graduate Studies. After Graduate Studies receives the admission decision, notification is sent to the applicant via US mail and email. Applicants who are admitted are placed in Good Standing and can register for courses. Instructions on how to use the eSignature system are below.

  1. Graduate admission contacts within each graduate program will receive an email from WKU eSignature Forms.
  2. Upon receipt of the e-mail, click on the link in the e-mail body. You will be directed to the eSignature sign-in page. Enter your WKU NetID and your WKU pin (this is what you use to login on TopNet) and click 'Submit'. 
  3. The departmental recommendation form appears on your screen.  Click on each individual document link.  You will be prompted to log in to TopNet after clicking the first link.
  4. After reviewing the student's application packet, scroll down the page to the "Admission Decision:"

    The "Admission Decision:" is a drop-down box with the following options: Good Standing, Conditional Admit, Program Full, and Rejection.

    Please supply any conditional admission requirements in as much detail as possible in the "Conditional Admit Requirements:" box.

    For any Rejection decisions, a reject explanation needs to be included.

    Any "Departmental Comments" may be added.

    The "Major Advisor" and "Minor Advisor" sections are indicating by selecting one of the advisors listed in the drop-down box. Minor advisors are only needed for the MAE in Secondary Education with the specific minor areas indicated, MAE in Music Education, and MAE in Art Education. If the decision is to reject the applicant or the program is full, there is no need to indicate the major advisor.

    Be sure to click the "Validate" button at the bottom of the screen after all information has been indicated in the appropriate fields as needed in each specific student situation.

  5. After validating the form, scroll to the bottom of the form showing the "WKU eSignature Forms" section.

    Enter the e-mail address of the individual who is the next to receive and approve the admission decision.

    All programs in PCAL, OCSE, CHHS, and GFCB should return the form directly to graduate.admissions@wku.edu.

    Please Note: All programs in the College of Education must go to the academic college dean's office for approval PRIOR to submission to Graduate Admissions.

    Be sure to click "Send". After clicking "Send", a page appears with the name of the person who will receive the form.


Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 9/16/24