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John D. Minton Graduate Student Award

John D. Minton Award

The John D. Minton Graduate Student Award recognizes a graduate student for outstanding contributions to the academic discipline while pursuing a graduate degree. Dr. Minton demonstrated outstanding scholarship by serving WKU as a Professor of History, the first Dean of the Graduate School, a Vice President, and President. This award recognizes a graduate student’s extension and application of discipline knowledge within and beyond the University. Nominee accomplishments should reflect the broader dimensions of scholarship as outlined by Ernest Boyer: discovery, integration, application, and teaching.


Nomination materials are now being accepted via email to graduate.school@wku.edu through Friday, March 7, 2025. Please include Minton Nomination Materials in the email subject line.


Eligibility and Requirements

  • Graduate student completing all degree requirements in the Fall 2024 semester or be a candidate for the Spring 2025 or Summer 2025 semesters
  • Nomination form and a letter of support from a WKU faculty member
  • Two additional letters of support from other university and/or community individuals who are familiar with the scholarship activities of the nominee
  • CV/Resume


A university‐wide committee appointed by the Executive Director of the Graduate School will select the winner who:

  • Will receive a monetary Fellowship award of $700;
  • Will be recognized at a campus wide event


The John D. Minton Graduate Student Award is not necessarily selected from the five college Outstanding Graduate Student winners.


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 Last Modified 2/11/25