Reporting Sexual Assault
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Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education.
It reads:
"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX)
Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual assault.
WKU Code of Conduct related to Sexual Misconduct/Assault
Sexual Misconduct/Assault:
Is defined as actual or attempted sexual contact with another person without that person's consent- Sexual Assault includes but is not limited to the following.
Intentional and unwelcome touching, coercing, or an attempt to coerce, and forcing;
Involvement in any sexual contact when the victim is able to consent;
Forcing another individual to touch a person's intimate parts (defined as genital area, groin, inner thigh, buttocks, or breasts);
Sexual intercourse without consent, including acts commonly referred to as "rape".
(Please refer to the Sexual Offense Policy in the WKU Student Handbook)
The Investigation Process
It is also the position of the Office of Judicial Affairs that among the violations of misconduct considered to be of an especially serious nature are those that represent a threat to the safety and health of members of the University Community. These include but are not limited too, harassment, physical violence or threat of violence, non-consensual sexual contact or rape.
Incidents of alleged sexual assault should be reported to a professional counselor or university official. (see campus resources) WKU will investigate all reported sexual assaults or attempted assaults and, where appropriate, will hold individuals accountable for their actions according to the procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Following the procedures of due process, if the WKU Student Code of Conduct is violated, the alleged parties will go through the University’s judicial process, which is intended to be a fair and educational experience. The accused and the complainant are entitled to the same opportunities to discuss their involvement in the alleged incident with the Office of Judicial Affairs and his/her designee. Those cases which determine a violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be heard by the University Disciplinary Committee. The range of sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion from the University are possible depending upon the preponderance of the evidence and individual circumstances. Both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome of any on-campus judicial conference alleging a sexual assault or harassment.
The Office of Judicial Affairs and his/her designee(s) will address any complaint in a confidential, supportive and timely manner. The Office of Judicial Affairs will oversee that fairness and due process is met while administering this process for both parties involved. All investigations will be conducted independently of one another.
Who to Contact
At WKU, students are encourage to report to the following for confidential counseling with a professional counselor or university official. Here are some phone numbers to keep available:
* WKU Counseling and Testing Center: 745-3159
* WKU Housing and Residence Life
* WKU Office of Judicial Affairs: 745-5429
* WKU University Police: 745-2548
* WKU Health Services:745-5641
* Hope Harbor: A Sexual Trauma Recovery Center: 782-5014 or 24 hour crisis line 270-846-1100 or 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE)
* WKU Department of Human Resources [BROKEN LINK]: 270-745-5360
* The Office of Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action: 270-745-5121