Withdrawal Procedures
Office of the Registrar
University Withdrawal Procedures
For various reasons it is occasionally necessary for a student to withdraw from the University. Prior to the midpoint of the semester, students may use TopNet to withdraw. After the midpoint of the semester, the student should report to the Office of the Registrar to initiate withdrawal procedures.
Students leaving the institution without an official withdrawal will receive failing grades in all courses in which they are enrolled and endanger their future status at the institution. Students withdrawing after the midpoint of the semester, a bi-term or comparable period during a summer session must consult with their instructors as to the withdrawal grade. The official date of the withdrawal is the date the withdrawal is processed on TopNet or the written notice is received in the Office of the Registrar.
Students wishing to return to WKU at a later date must submit an application for readmission prior to the deadline for submitting applications.
Topnet may be used to withdraw from individual courses according to the dates published in the Academic Calendar. The official date of the withdrawal is the date the withdrawal is processed on Topnet. A $50 Schedule Change Fee will be assessed for each course withdrawal after the drop/add period. Students who stop attending class(es) without an official withdrawal will receive failing grades.
- Login into Topnet: http://topnet.wku.edu (Click Registration, click Register/Add/Drop and select the appropriate term)
- Locate the class(es) from which you need to withdraw (Click the drop/down box, and select the withdraw button. Note: Be sure to click Submit Changes at the bottom of the page.)
- Verify the transaction was processed properly by checking the status of the course. (Verify that Credit Hours now reflect "0.0 hours for each class dropped. Your academic transcript will reflect a grade of "W" for each withdrawn course.
For various reasons it is occasionally necessary for a student to withdraw from the University. Prior to the midpoint of the semester, students may use Topnet to withdraw. After the midpoint of the semester, the student should report to the Office of the Registrar to initiate withdrawal procedures. Students leaving the institution without an official withdrawal will receive failing grades in all courses in which they are enrolled and endanger their future status in the institution. Students withdrawing after the midpoint of the semester, a bi-term or comparable period during a summer session must consult with their instructors as to the withdrawal grade. The official date of the withdrawal is the date the withdrawal is processed on TopNet or the written notice is received in the Office of the Registrar. Students wishing to return to WKU at a later date must submit an application for readmission prior to the deadline for submitting applications.
In special circumstances, as described below, a complete withdrawal from the University after the mid-point of a term will be considered.
A student may request and be considered for a medical withdrawal from all courses in a term when extraordinary circumstances, such as a serious physical or mental illness or injury, prevent the student from continuing his or her classes after the mid-point of a term, and incompletes or other arrangements with the instructors are not feasible or possible. A medical withdrawal must be substantiated with appropriate documentation from the attending health care provider. Once the rationale for a medical withdrawal has been validated by the Office of the Registrar, the student’s instructors will be sent notification of the withdrawal, and “W” grades will be recorded for each course. A student who requests a medical withdrawal, or an individual requesting a withdrawal on behalf of the student who is physically or mentally unable to request the withdrawal, should contact the Office of the Registrar to obtain medical withdrawal procedures. Tuition refund appeals for medical withdrawals are handled in a separate procedure, and instructions may be obtained from Student Billing & Account Services.
Students who are members of any branch of the United States Armed Services, including the National Guard, who are called to active duty while enrolled at WKU are entitled to the following options:
Students may work with each individual instructor to determine if an incomplete grade is appropriate, or
If an incomplete grade is not a viable option, the student will be permitted to withdraw either from individual courses or from the entire schedule of classes. A full refund of tuition and fees will be issued for those courses from which the student has withdrawn.
Students who are called to active duty while enrolled should contact the Office of the Registrar to initiate the withdrawal process. An official copy of the military orders must be presented to invoke this special withdrawal and refund process.
A student who leaves the University for extenuating circumstances without an official
withdrawal during the term of departure may apply for a retroactive withdrawal. The
student must present supporting documentation that demonstrates serious and compelling
reasons justifying the withdrawal and extenuating circumstances justifying its retroactive
nature; poor academic performance that is not attributed to non-academic extenuating
circumstances is not a consideration for retroactive withdrawal. A student may appeal
for a retroactive withdrawal within two calendar years following the end of the term
for which withdrawal is requested. A student need not be enrolled at WKU at the time
the application for retroactive withdrawal is submitted.
An appellate board will review the request for a retroactive withdrawal. The board
will consider the following factors, including, but not limited to:
- Documentation of extenuating circumstances
- Written letter of support from an academic administrator, faculty member, advisor or other university professional who is familiar with the student’s situation.
If a retroactive withdrawal is approved, the Office of the Registrar will notify the student’s instructors and department heads of the request for a retroactive withdrawal, and they will be given 14 calendar days to raise objections if the student’s classroom performance was such that a withdrawal (W) would not be appropriate. If objections are raised by the instructor or department head, the Office of the Registrar will be informed of the objection, and the student will not receive a “W” in the class. A tuition refund is not granted for a retroactive withdrawal.
Need to withdraw? Check these items first:
You may no longer be covered by student health insurance once you withdraw completely. Check with health services (745-5641) or your personal health insurance agent to determine your status.
Contact Student Financial Assistance (745-2755) to find out how withdrawing will impact your financial aid and how much you will need to repay.
If you live in on-campus housing, you will need to submit a cancellation request or request an exemption. Call Housing and Residence Life (745-4359) for assistance.
If you have a Perkins loan, be sure to make arrangements for an exit-interview. Call the Perkins Loan Office (745-5551) for information.
Check TopNet for holds that prevent your withdrawal.
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