Crisis Response
Sexual assault is an act of violence. The complainant of an assault may be in a state
of shock and disbelief, and may be feeling a variety or emotions such as fear, anger,
helplessness, shame, and/or guilt. A assaulted student may not know who to trust
or where to turn for help. The student who has been sexually assaulted has many options
in seeking assistance. A number of resources are available both on and off campus
to assist assault victims. Although it is the student's option whether to seek legal,
medical, and/or psychological services, students are encouraged to utilize these resources
in order to make the most informed choices regarding prosecution, physical safety,
and emotional recovery.
If you are the complainant of a sexual assault, please know that you are in no way
to blame for the criminal behavior. Here are some guidelines to help you in the aftermath
of a sexual assault:
GO TO A SAFE PLACE as soon as possible.
TRY TO PRESERVE ALL PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. Do not wash, bathe, use the toilet, or change clothing if it can be avoided. If
changing clothes is a must, put all clothing worn at the time of the assault in a
paper bag, not plastic. A plastic bag can be used if paper is not available. However, do not seal the
bag tightly, as that can cause a breakdown of the evidence.
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU WERE GIVEN A DATE RAPE DRUG see physician or nurse immediately. Wait to urinate until you arrive at the hospital.
However, if you can't wait, collect your first urine in a clean container with a lid
and take it to the emergency room or police station with you. Ask specifically for
a drug screen that includes GHB, Rohypnol, and other common drugs used to facilitate
sexual assaults. It is imperative that you be tested as soon as possible for the drug's
presence in your body, as most of these substances can only be detected for a short
period of time after ingestion.
CONTACT SOMEONE for support: Victims should report sexual misconduct/assault to any of the following:SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION to address physical health needs, to insure that you are disease- and injury-free,
and to collect important evidence in the event of a later decision to take legal action.
Hospital emergency rooms provide evidentuary exams, which include testing and treatment
for sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, and physical trauma. Emergency medical
care can be received at The Medical Center of Bowling Green (250 Park Street or 745-1000) or Greenview Hospital (1801 Ashley Circle or 793-1000). For victims assaulted in the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
these exams are free of charge. Should you need transportation, the University's Police Department (745-2677) can assist you. If you choose not to have an evidentiary exam conducted,
please consider an appointment at a health department, Health Services (745-5641),
or with your regular physician.
CONSIDER COUNSELING for support and to help you deal with a variety of feelings that often follow an
assault. Free and confidential counseling services are available through WKU’s Counseling Center (745-3159) or through Hope Harbor (846-1100): Life Skills (237-4481).
If you choose to REPORT THE ASSAULT, you can contact law enforcement by calling 911 or WKU police at 745-2677. A call to the university police does not mean that you must bring criminal
charges. The decision to file an official police report is yours to make. If the
assault did not occur on campus, university law enforcement can assist you in determining
how and where to file a police report. Timely notification helps the police in conducting
their investigation and it provides a better chance of successful prosecution. You
are encouraged to report the sexual assault and have it documented, even if you are
not sure about filing formal criminal charges. Regardless of whether you report the
incident to the police, you are still encouraged to seek medical attention to insure
your own personal safety.
Reporting an assault and receiving medical treatment does not require that the victim
press charges. It does, however, allow the collection of data and information that
can be used should the victim choose to press charges.
If you NEED ASSISTANCE OR ADVOCACY, contact your Residence Life Staff the Office of Student Conduct (745-5429), The Counseling Center (745-3159), or Hope Harbor (846-1100) and the WKU Title IX Coordinator for accompaniment to medical and/or legal proceedings and/or referral for other support