- Location: Preston Center
- Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
“Health is your Best Defense”
Tuesday, March 7th 2023
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Western Kentucky’s Student Wellness Program, WellU® is excited to announce the 21st Annual Healthy Days will be held in the Raymond B. Preston Health and Activities Center. Bring your WKU ID!
Students that attend this event will receive WellU® credit, and a t-shirt (while supplies last) and be eligible to enter our prize raffles.
Below are some of our prizes:
$250 Scholarships
Roku Smart TV
Kroger Gift Cards
Signed Men/Women’s Basketball’s
PickleBall Set & much more!
We will be offering FREE health screenings & services including:
Blood Pressure, Vertical Jump and Grip Strength Tests
Psychological Assessments
Healthy Snacks
Food demos & much more!
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