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WKU History Department - Video Contest

 WKU “Reel History” Video Contest

The WKU History Department is pleased to announce sponsorship of its first annual history “Reel History” Video Contest for Kentucky high school students. Instructions for applying to the contest and submitting a video are on the main Essay Contests page. Be sure to follow the instructions at the end of the application form (to upload the video to YouTube and send an email with the link).

EXTENDED DEADLINE: Applications and Videos are now due Friday, February 28.

The format of your video should be ONE of the following options:

  • Documentary-style video that focuses on explaining and analyzing an event or person

(Example: https://www.lowellmilkencenter.org/newsroom/videos/view/jane-elliott-brown-eyes-blue-eyes)

  • Series of illustrated sketches that focus on an event or person

(Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3UjJ5kxiLI)

  • A humorous but largely accurate performance/reenactment of a historic event

(Examples:  https://youtu.be/oHKPkHmQx10)

NOTE: Your teacher does NOT need to (but can) be part of your presentation


Outside sources you drew on should be included in a list at the end in Chicago style format: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html


How to Enter (2 steps):

  1. Upload your video to YouTube and provide the URL link in your application.

Videos should be between 3 and 7 minutes in length. All submissions must include a title screen that includes:

a. Title; b. Student’s full name and grade; c. Name of teacher; d. Name of school, city, state

  1. Be sure you completed your online application at link above


Videos will be judged on the following criteria: 

  • Content clarity – does the video clearly address the specific historical topic or theme?
  • Memorability– how well does the video draw in the viewer and keep their attention?
  • Creativity and Originality – is the video original and something not seen before?
  • Production – what is the overall quality of production (including visual and sound elements)?


NOTE: No professional assistance can be provided to produce the video.

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 Last Modified 1/22/20