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Major in History

Please check out the Four-Year Plan in History and Social Studies for a quick guide for how and when to register for courses to graduate with a History or Social Studies major.

The History major (reference number 695) requires 33 semester hours and leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree. Twenty-four credit-hours must be at the 300- or 400-level. A minor or second major is required.

  • For students who choose not to declare a concentration, 15 hours will be in foundational study, historical research, and required electives; an additional 18 hours will be flexible electives.
  • For students declaring a concentration, 21 hours will be in foundational study, historical research, and required and flexible electives; an additional 12 hours will be in the concentration. Students may declare more than one concentration. Concentrations will be included on student transcripts.

The courses required for the major are distributed as follows:

Foundational Study (6 hrs)
HIST 101 or HIST 102: World History I or II
HIST 240 or HIST 241: US History to 1865 or since 1865
Historical Research (3 hrs)
HIST 498: Senior Seminar
Geographic and Chronological Electives (6 hrs)
The Global South (choose at least one)
HIST 200: Latin American Society: Past and Present
HIST 331: History of Africa Since 1500
HIST 364: Colonial Latin America, 1400-1825
HIST 365: Modern Latin America, 1800-Present
HIST 465: The Mexican Republic
HIST 370: Modern South Asia: from Empires to Nations
HIST 378: History of Yoga: Tradition, Literature, Practice
HIST 379: Gandhi: The Creation of a Global Legacy
HIST 461: Modern East Asia
HIST 462: History of the Middle East
HIST 466: The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Local and Global Influences
HIST 471: Modern China
Ancient to Early Modern History (choose at least one)
HIST 304: Ancient Identities
HIST 305: Ancient Greece
HIST 306: Ancient Rome
HIST 307: The Middle Ages
HIST 308: Conflict, Culture and Commerce in the Medieval Mediterranean
HIST 317: Renaissance Europe
HIST 318: Age of the Reformation
HIST 323: The British Isles to 1688
HIST 330: History of Africa Before 1500
HIST 404: History of Ancient Egypt
HIST 407: The Crusades: West Meets East
HIST 419: Tudor-Stuart England
HIST 440: Colonial North America to 1763
HIST 460: Traditional East Asia
HIST 463: The Atlantic World
Elective Courses (6 hrs)
Students may select any 200, 300, or 400-level history course not already counted toward the major. A maximum of three hours across all elective categories may be at the 200 level.
Major Without an Optional Concentration (12 hrs)
Students who choose not to declare a concentration should complete four additional history courses, from any 200, 300, or 400-level history course not already counted toward the major. A maximum of three hours across all elective categories may be at the 200 level.
Major With Concentration (12 hrs)
Students may complete more than one concentration. However, a single elective cannot count toward completion of more than one concentration.
Cultural History (select any course below not already counted toward the major)
HIST 308: Conflict, Culture and Commerce in the Medieval Mediterranean
HIST 316: The American Civil War in Film
HIST 320: American Studies I
HIST 340: History of Popular Culture Since 1500
HIST 347: Social History of the United States Since 1800
HIST 378: History of Yoga: Tradition, Literature, Practice
HIST 379: Gandhi: The Creation of a Global Legacy
HIST 391: History of Sport
HIST 395: A Cultural History of Alcohol
HIST 402: Pirates in World History
HIST 407: The Crusades: West Meets East
HIST 420: History of Sexuality
HIST 432: Coffee & Chocolate: Food in World History
HIST 447: History of American Popular Culture
HIST 454: History of Religion in America
History of Identity (select any course below not already counted toward the major)
HIST 302: Disability in the United States
HIST 304: Ancient Identities
HIST 309: History of HIV/AIDS
HIST 310: Comparative Slavery
HIST 320: American Studies I
HIST 325: Blacks in the Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 329: Black Intellectual History
HIST 330: History of Africa Before 1500
HIST 331: History of Africa Since 1500
HIST 332: Riots, Rebellions, and Revolutions: A Global History of Protest
HIST 333: History of Genocide
HIST 343: Communities of Struggle
HIST 353: Native American History to 1865
HIST 354: Native American History Since 1865
HIST 358: Blacks in American History to 1877
HIST 359: Blacks in American History Since 1877
HIST 359: Blacks in American History Since 1877
HIST 420: History of Sexuality
HIST 430: History of the Civil Rights Movement in America
HIST 453: American Women’s History
HIST 454: History of Religion in America
Peace, Conflict, and Human Rights (select any course below not already counted toward the major)
HIST 299: Introduction to Military History
HIST 308: Conflict, Culture and Commerce in the Medieval Mediterranean
HIST 310: Comparative Slavery
HIST 325: Blacks in the Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 332: Riots, Rebellions, and Revolutions: A Global History of Protest
HIST 333: History of Genocide
HIST 335: Twentieth Century Europe
HIST 343: Communities of Struggle
HIST 348: United States, 1900-1945
HIST 349: The United States Since 1945
HIST 352: Borderlands and the American West
HIST 379: Gandhi: The Creation of a Global Legacy
HIST 380: Human Rights in History
HIST 407: The Crusades: West Meets East
HIST 422: The French Revolution and Napoleon
HIST 426: Hitler and Nazi Germany
HIST 430: History of the Civil Rights Movement in America
HIST 438: Twentieth-Century Russia
HIST 441: The American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1815
HIST 443: Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1877
HIST 449: Korea and Vietnam
HIST 464: Latin America and the United States
HIST 466: The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Local and Global Influences
HIST 481: The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy
HIST 423: A Global History of the First World War
HIST 494: U.S. Military History
Legal and Constitutional History (select any course below not already counted toward the major)
HIST 323: The British Isles to 1688
HIST 332: Riots, Rebellions, and Revolutions: A Global History of Protest
HIST 333: History of Genocide
HIST 343: Communities of Struggle
HIST 380: Human Rights in History
HIST 419: Tudor-Stuart England
HIST 430: History of the Civil Rights Movement in America
HIST 441: The American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1815
HIST 445: American Legal History to 1865
HIST 446: American Legal History Since 1865
Africana History (select any course below not already counted toward the major)
HIST 304: Ancient Identities
HIST 310: Comparative Slavery
HIST 325: Blacks in the Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 329: Black Intellectual History
HIST 330: History of Africa Before 1500
HIST 331: History of Africa Since 1500
HIST 332: Riots, Rebellions, and Revolutions: A Global History of Protest
HIST 343: Communities of Struggle
HIST 358: Blacks in American History to 1877
HIST 359: Blacks in American History Since 1877
HIST 390: Blacks in the American South
HIST 404: History of Ancient Egypt
History of Science, Environment, and Medicine (select any course below not already counted toward the major)
HIST 302: Disability in the United States
HIST 303: Monsters, Maggots, and Morphine: Disease and Medicine in the United States
HIST 309: History of HIV/AIDS
HIST 332: Riots, Rebellions, and Revolutions: A Global History of Protest
HIST 362: Genetics and Family History
HIST 378: History of Yoga: Tradition, Literature, Practice
HIST 420: History of Sexuality
HIST 421: Environmental History
HIST 480: A Social History of Science


*Important Note: Students who declared a major in history prior to Fall 2017 may choose to complete the major under the "old" major requirements. Please see the undergraduate advisors for more information. 


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 Last Modified 8/12/22