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WKU History Graduate Program

Comprehensive Exam Guidelines

The written and oral comprehensive examinations must be completed in the final semester by all students (both thesis and non-thesis) in the History M.A. program.

  1. Select three fields of specialization: Each student must select three fields of specialization for the comprehensive examination. These areas must be drawn from courses that the student has taken in the M.A. program at WKU. The three instructors who taught these courses will comprise the exam committee. Students must secure permission from each faculty member before adding them to the committee. One member should be designated as committee chair and will be responsible for the primary source portion of the written exam.
  2. Prepare bibliographies for each field: In consultation with each faculty member on the exam committee, the student should prepare a bibliography consisting of all historical works that the student has read in that field of specialization. Faculty may require that students read additional books in preparation for the exam.
  3. Register for HIST 598 (Comprehensive Exam Preparation): Students on the non-thesis track must register for HIST 598, a 1-credit independent study, in their final semester. Students on the thesis track do not need to register for this course, since they will work with their thesis committee to prepare for the comprehensive exam.
  4. Schedule the written and oral examinations: Students should contact all three members of the examination committee to schedule a day and time for the two-hour oral exam. Once a date for the oral exam is selected, the student should work with the Graduate Advisor to schedule the written exam, which is completed prior to the oral exam.

Written Examination Procedures

Students write four essays (one essay per field and one primary source essay) over a three-day period. Students are allowed to consult notes and books. They may not consult other people or any sources on the internet.

Oral Examination Procedures

The oral exam is two hours in length. During the exam, committee members ask questions about the essays submitted for the written exam. They may also ask questions to assess learning in any other aspect of the student’s program of study. Following the exam, the exam committee chair will notify the Graduate Advisor of the outcome and provide a brief written assessment of the student’s performance. The committee may fail a student who does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge and understanding of their fields. Students who fail the examination may re-take their M.A. exam two times. If a student fails to pass the exam after three attempts, the student will be dropped from the M.A. program.

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 Last Modified 8/1/22