WKU History Undergraduate Program - Requirements
Undergraduate Requirements
Please check out the Four-Year Plan in History and Social Studies for a quick guide for how to register to graduate with a History or Social Studies major.
Major in History
The major in history (reference number 695) requires a minimum of 33 semester hours and leads to a bachelor of arts degree.
Nine (9) credit hours of coursework are required:
- HIST 101 or HIST 102 (World History I or II)
- HIST 240 or HIST 241 (US History to or since 1865)
- HIST 498 (Capstone: Senior Seminar)
Of the remaining 24 hours, a minimum of 18 hours in upper-division history courses is required.
At least two upper-division courses from each of the following geographic and chronological areas are required:
- Geographic: Afro-Eurasia and The Americas
- Chronological: Pre-Modern Era and Modern Era
At least three upper-division courses in one of the following four thematic concentrations are required:
- Cultural, Religious and Intellectual History
- Race, Ethnicity, and Identity
- Peace, Conflict, and Human Rights
- Legal and Constitutional Heritage
Elective courses can be counted toward more than one of the history major's upper-division requirements. Students may select two elective courses outside the major, but only in consultation with the department's undergraduate advisors and with the approval of the department head. History majors are required to have a second major, or a minor in another academic discipline.
*Important Note: Students who declared a major in history prior to Fall 2017 may choose to complete the major under the "old" major requirements. Please see the undergraduate advisors for more information.
Minor in History
The minor in history (reference number 392) requires a minimum of 21 credit hours of coursework. Courses required for the minor are HIST 101 or 102, and HIST 240 or 241. Twelve hours must be taken in upper-division courses with at least one upper-division course from each of the following areas: Afro-Eurasia; The Americas; Pre-Modern Era; and Modern Era. A single course can be counted toward completion of multiple area requirements.
Major in Social Studies
The major in social studies (reference number 592) requires a minimum of 60 semester hours and leads to a bachelor of arts degree. Students completing this major with the Secondary Education curriculum may be certified in social studies.
The courses required are distributed as follows:
- HIST: 27 hours, including HIST 101, 102, 240, 241 and 498. The remaining 12 hours must be taken in upper division courses and must include a course from each of the following areas: United States History, European History to 1648, European History since 1648 and Areas Other than Europe or the United States.
- PS: 9 hours, including PS 110, a choice between PS 250 or 260, and an upper-level course selected from PS 310, 316, 326, 327, 328, or 370.
- ECON: 6 hours, including ECON 202 and 203
- GEOG: 9 hours, including 101 or 110, and two upper-level classes selected from the following: 350, 360, 425, or 430.
- SOCL: 3 hours, SOCL 100.
- ANTH: 3 hours, ANTH 120
- PSY: 3 hours, PSY or PSYS 100.
In choosing elective courses, students should keep in mind the number of upper division courses required for graduation. Students who complete this program will not be required to offer an additional major or minor for their degree and teacher certification.
Students who pursue the social studies major should also bear in mind that at least a minor in a particular discipline is required by many universities for graduate study in that discipline. The equivalent of a history minor is included in the social studies major. The number of additional hours required to meet minor requirements in PS, ECON, and GEOG is as follows: PS: 15 hours; ECON: 15 hours; and GEOG: 12 hours. Students seeking to minor in any of these disciplines should consult the appropriate department head for specific requirements. You may also link to the four-year plan for a degree in Social Studies.
History Advising
Please contact the History/Social Studies Advisors if you need help with program requirements: Dr. Jennifer Walton-Hanley