Studying in the US
Need additional help?
Visit the Writing Center (for help with written assignments), come to tutoring sessions for international students, get involved at Chai Chats or other WKU Global events for a chance to practice conversation, and don’t be afraid to ask a friend for help if you don’t know a word.
We encourage you to talk with someone in our Counseling Center. This is a free resource that serves all students and they can provide helpful guidance in adjusting to college. Seeking help for your mental health is seen as a positive step in America.
We have academic advisors to help you navigate your courses. During your first year you will work with an advisor in our international office, and in your second year and beyond you will be assigned an advisor in our Advising and Career Development Center.
Some actions you can take include reading the syllabus to make sure you didn’t miss any details, talking with the professor during office hours, and seeking advice from classmates. You can also bring assignments to IPAS tutoring for assistance.
WKU has a campus clinic that is covered by your international student health insurance. If you are sick and have to miss class, it is appropriate to simply let the professor know and ask if any projects or assignments from class need to be completed.
Our Student Accessibility Resource Center is available to help with accommodations for all types of disabilities, whether visible or invisible.
Still need assistance? Contact us below: