Transit Overview
WKU Transportation Services is committed to providing safe, courteous and efficient transportation for students, faculty, staff and the general public to the WKU campus. A variety of transit services are provided for the WKU community. Service is FREE to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
Three fixed day service routes move passengers from point to point around campus.
Para-transit service is provided at no charge for disabled passengers and requires registration with PTS. All Topper Transit buses are ADA and wheelchair accessible.
Service Summaries
Days of Service: Monday - Friday during Spring and Fall semesters. No service during Intersession service or Holidays.
Hours of Service:
- Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 5:30PM
Service Frequency:
- 7:30AM - 10:35AM: 18 minute frequency
- 10:35AM - 2:50PM: 20 minute frequency
- 2:50PM - 5:21PM: 39 minute frequency
Service Area: Travels from Russellville Road West Lot to Parking Structure 3 to University Blvd; College Heights Blvd to Normal Street; Regents Avenue to Chestnut Street; University Blvd to Normal Street; College Heights Blvd to Avenue of Champions;
Points of Interest: Russellville Road West Lot, Parking Structure 3, Parking Structure 1, Schneider Hall, Gordon Wilson Hall, College High Hall; Grise Hall; Jody Richards Hall, Regents Avenue and Chestnut Street, University Blvd Lot, Gary Ransdell Hall, Helm Library, EST, Cherry Hall, The Valley, DSU, and Keen Hall.
Days of Service: Monday - Friday during Fall and Spring semesters. No service during Intersession service or Holidays.
Hours of Service:
- Monday - Friday 7:15AM - 5:45PM
Service Frequency:
- 7:15AM - 3:00PM: 17 minute frequency
- 3:00PM - 5:45PM: 34 minute frequency
Service Area: Travels from South Campus to Main Campus, University Blvd to Normal Street, State Street to East 14th Avenue, Park Street to Cabell Street, East 14th Avenue to State Street, and Normal Street.
Points of Interest: Campbell Lane, Campus Flats Apartments, Jones Jaggers Hall, University Blvd. Lot; Gary Ransdell Hall, Helm Library, EST, Chestnut North Lot, Park Street Lot, College High Hall, Grise Hall, Jody Richards Hall, Pearce Ford Tower, Meredith Hall, Creason Street, and South Campus.
Days of Service: Monday - Friday during Fall and Spring semesters. No service during Intersession service or Holidays.
Hours of Service:
- Monday - Friday 7:20AM - 5:30PM
Service Frequency:
- 7:20AM - 3:30PM: 15 minute frequency
- 3:30PM - 5:30PM: 30 minute frequency
Service Area: Travels from Parking Structure 3 to University Blvd, Normal Street to College Heights Blvd, University Blvd to Kentucky Street/13th Ave; 12th Avenue to Center Street, 13th Avenue to State Street, and Normal Street
Points of Interest: Parking Structure 3, Jones Jaggers Hall, University Blvd Lot, Gary Ransdell Hall, Helm Library, EST, Cherry Hall, The Valley, McCormack Hall, Kentucky Street / 13th Avenue, 12th Avenue / Center Street, College High Hall, Grise Hall, Jody Richards Hall, Pearce Ford Tower, and Meredith Hall.
TopperTaxi (On-Demand Van Service)
Request a ride with Topper Taxi using the Transloc app. Download Transloc app and select Western Kentucky University. Enter your NetID and password in order to log-in and request a ride. For more information on Transloc, see See Transloc User Guide for complete information.
Days and Hours of Service:
- 4:30 PM - 9:00 PM Sunday
- 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Monday - Friday
Service Area: The on-demand van service will include service on Main Campus and South Campus.
Para-transit service is available to faculty, staff, and students with a temporary or permanent disability who do not have reasonable access to shuttle services. Para-transit/ADA service is available Monday - Friday 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM Monday - Friday. This option is determined on a case by case basis through the Parking & Transportation Department. Registration is required. For more information, call 270-745-2361.
Once registered, users may request para-transit service by downloading the Transloc app. See for more inforamtion. Inside the app, scroll to Western Kentucky University, enter your NetID and password to log-in and request a ride.
GObg, Bowling Green's public transit system, provides para-transit service throughout the City of Bowling Green. For more information, contact the GObg Office at 270-782-3162.
Topper Transit utilizes the latest in tracking technology. The NextBus system uses a geo-positioning system to track the location of each bus, on each route, and relay that information, in real-time, back to the information center. The system takes the guesswork out of the arrival times of the buses to particular stops.
Updated transit information is available through the iWKU app. Click on the bus icon for information. Riders can also call (270) 392-3193, enter the bus stop code, and listen to the arrival time of the next bus to that location. Riders with internet accessibility can log on to Nextbus obtain the same information.
The bus stop codes needed to operate the system can be found at each campus stop on all routes.
South Campus Park and Ride Lots
A convenient alternative to trying to find a parking space on campus is to use the South Campus Park and Ride Lots. This is a cost effective, time saving service.
Free transit service is provided by the Route 1 South Campus Route from the Campbell Lane Lot or the South Campus Lot to Main Campus. Route 3 Campus Cirulator provides service from the Russellville Road West Lot.
The South Campus Park and Ride service is recommended for students as a low-cost parking option.
Note: It is the only permit available to students enrolled in the Gatton Academy of Math and Science. This permit is not recommended for other Housing residents.
GO bg Transit - Public Transportation Options
The City of Bowling Green offers public transportation services to the community as GO bg Transit ( The GO bg Transit routes extend to the WKU campus and provide access to key stops. GO bg Transit provides transportation to community shopping centers, supermarkets, pharmacies, shopping, community centers and residential areas. To learn more about the service, call 270-393-3695 or visit GObg website.
Parking and Transportation Services partners with Go bg Transit to provide city bus passes for students, faculty and staff at a discounted rate of $10 per term.
To purchase and use your Go bg bus pass:
- Come to the Parking and Transportation Services office to obtain a permit code.
- Visit
- Enter your email and permit code in the required fields.
- Before riding the Go bg bus, download the Token Transit app.
- Use the Token Transit app to access your bus pass when boarding the bus.
- To purchase a bus pass without using a smartphone, come to the PTS office to obtain a permit code. After receiving the code, visit the Southern Kentucky Community Action office located at 304 East 11th St, Bowling Green, KY 42101 to pick up your bus pass.
Bus passes can be purchased by term.
Other Services:
Language Assistance Provided at No Cost
For translated languages, WKU Parking and Transportation Services uses "Google Translate." This is a FREE utility. It has 71 supported languages that translates text from one language into another. You simply type in one language and select the language in which you want the text to be translated.
Click Here to Use Google Translate
Kentucky Relay Services
Kentucky Relay is a free public service for communication between standard (voice) users and persons who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, and speech-disabled using text telephones (TTYs) or PCs via the internet.
- TTY Users: 7-1-1 or 800-648-6056
- Hearing Users: 7-1-1or 800-648-6057
- TeleBraille Relay: 7-1-1 or 800-648-6056
- Spanish Relay:
- 711 or
- 866-490-4403 (Spanish-to-Spanish)
- 866-648-5946 (Spanish-to-English)
- Voice Carry-Over (VCO): 7-1-1 or 866-648-5926
- Hearing Carry-Over (HCO): 7-1-1 or 800-648-6056
- Speech-to-Speech (STS):
- 7-1-1 or
- 888-244-6111
- 877-787-1989 (Customer Service for STS only)
- Internet Relay: T-Mobile
- CapTel:
- For CapTel Caller: Dial person you're calling directly
- For Hearing Callers: 877-243-2823
- WebCapTel:
- For WebCapTel Caller: Log-in at
- For Hearing Callers: 800-933-7219
- 900 Services: 900-230-5369
- Kentucky Relay Customer Service:
- 888-662-2406 (TTY / Voice / ASCII)
- 800-676-4290 (Espanol - TTY/ Voz / ASCII)
- (Email)
For more information, visit the Kentucky Relay Service website.