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Report an IT Security Incident

The incidents below are not considered IT security incidents and should be reported as follows:

  • Incidents involving public safety should be reported to your local authorities and/or the WKU Police.
  • Incidents of sexual harassment or assault should be reported to the Title IX Investigator.
  • Spam should be forwarded (unaltered, with all headers) to spam@wku.edu.
  • If your computer is infected with malware, please contact the ITS Service Desk.
  • If your WKU computer or device has been lost, please contact the ITS Service Desk.
  • If your WKU computer or device was stolen, please contact the WKU Police.

If the IT Security Incident that you would like to report includes one of the following, you should continue to the incident reporting form: 

  • Unintentional data loss - particularly when loss of sensitive data or personal information is suspected
  • Suspected system breaches
  • Denial of service attacks
  • You responded to a phishing message (please also read Information for Victims)

Report a Security Incident

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 Last Modified 8/5/24