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Dental Hygiene

Discover the endless career opportunities in dentistry with a Dental Hygiene degree from Western Kentucky University. Our comprehensive Associate and Bachelor of Science programs equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in teaching, management, research, and clinical dental hygiene practice. Our graduates are set up for success in a variety of settings - including general and specialized dental practices, public health organizations, military installations, hospitals, research facilities, and more.

The Program's core-curriculum is a two-year commitment that begins in the Fall semester only. Acceptance is limited to 28 students per year. Apply now and discover how a degree in Dental Hygiene can take your career to greater heights!


Apply Now


Important Dates

December 1

January 10

  • Signed job shadowing form stating 15 hours of observation and all updated official college transcripts from previous fall semester, if applicable


dental hygiene student working in clinic



Average Salary of Dental Hygiene Undergraduate Alumni

The data above is pulled from Steppingblocks, a graduate insights software, based on Western Kentucky University Dental Hygiene graduates over the last 15 years.

Patient Care, Customer Service, Aesthetics, Public Health, Clinical Research

The data above is pulled from Steppingblocks, a graduate insights software, based on Western Kentucky University Dental Hygiene graduates over the last 15 years.

Dental Hygiene, Bachelor of Science (524P, 524)

  • Academic LevelUndergraduate
  • DegreeBachelor of Science
  • CollegeHealth and Human Services
  • DepartmentNursing & Allied Health, School of


Program Accreditation

Commission on Dental Accreditation (Program of Dental Hygiene).

Allied health is defined as all the professional, technical and supportive workers in patient care, public health and health research. Allied health professions encompass a wide distribution of personnel with various levels of health education and training, which enables them to function as a member of the health care team.

Programs of Dental Hygiene

Students with an interest in the program of dental hygiene may contact the dental hygiene program coordinator. When planning a program of study in this program, each student should be aware of the University’s academic requirements and regulations contained in this catalog in the chapter “Academic Information.” Specific attention should be given to the subsections in the chapter entitled (a) Academic Programs, (b) Colonnade Program Requirements and (c) Academic Requirements and Regulations. Students should be aware that this academic program might require additional scholastic regulations and standards not specified in the catalog. To obtain a copy of these regulations, students should contact the program office.

Enrollment in the program of dental hygiene is limited and special admission information and other special rules, standards and requirements should be obtained directly from the program office (Academic Complex, Room 236G) or from the program website (https://www.wku.edu/dentalhygiene/).

The baccalaureate degree curriculum is designed to prepare dental hygienists with a background for teaching, for organization and management, for research, as well as for clinical dental hygiene.

The educational experience offered prepares the graduate hygienist to effectively carry out the duties as prescribed by licensure. Hygienists are prepared for varied career opportunities, which include the following settings: general dentistry practice, specialty practices, public health, military installations, hospitals or clinics, research facilities or public school dental hygiene.

Although 14 hours of Colonnade courses (including Anatomy & Physiology and Microbiology) are prerequisites, most beginning dental hygiene students will have successfully completed one or more years of college.

Program Requirements (66-78 hours)

A baccalaureate degree requires a minimum of 120 unduplicated semester hours. More information can be found at www.wku.edu/registrar/degree_certification.php.

Students who began WKU in the Fall 2014 and thereafter should review the Colonnade requirements located at: https://www.wku.edu/colonnade/colonnaderequirements.php.

For admission to the program, students must complete the following prerequisites.

Prerequisites for Admission in to the Major

Course List
BIOL 131Human Anatomy and Physiology4
BIOL 207General Microbiology3
BIOL 208General Microbiology Laboratory1
ENG 100Introduction to College Writing3
PSY/PSYS 100Introduction to Psychology3
Total Hours14

Program Requirements

Course List
Core Courses
DH 201Dental Radiology I2
DH 204Periodontics3
DH 206Dental Pharmacology3
DH 210Dental Materials and Expanded Functions in Restorative Dentistry I2
DH 212Oral Anatomy3
DH 222Preventive Dental Hygiene Care2
DH 226Dental Materials and Expanded Functions in Restorative Dentistry II2
DH 230Oral Histology and Embryology3
DH 270Pre-Clinical Dental Hygiene3
DH 271Clinical Dental Hygiene I4
DH 302Dental Radiology II2
DH 303Community Dental Health4
DH 304Advanced Periodontology4
DH 307General and Oral Pathology3
DH 309Pain Control in Dentistry4
DH 323Research Methods3
DH 324Practice Management and Ethics3
DH 370Clinical Dental Hygiene II5
DH 371Clinical Dental Hygiene III5
Total Hours60

Additional Courses for both tracks

Course List
COMM 145Fundamentals of Public Speaking and Communication3
HMD 211Human Nutrition3
SOCL 100Introductory Sociology3
CHEM 109Chemistry for the Health Sciences4
Total Hours13

Education Track

A degree in dental hygiene with education track requires 126 semester hours, including 78 hours in the major, and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. The curriculum may be completed in eight semesters and one summer term within four years. 

Course List
FACS 381Methods and Materials in Family and Consumer Sciences Education3
DH 330Clinical Teaching I4
DH 340Clinical Teaching II4
DH 350Clinical Teaching III4
PH 383Biostatistics in the Health Sciences3
Total Hours18

Without Education Track

A degree in dental hygiene without education track requires 120 semester hours, including 66-67 hours in the major, and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. The curriculum may be completed in eight semesters and one summer term within four years.  

Course List
Select 6-7 hours from the following:6-7
CHEM 304
Biochemistry for the Health Sciences
COMM 320
Health Communication
COMM 330
Leadership Communication
COMM 345
Advanced Presentational Speaking
COMM 346
COMM 348
Interpersonal Communication
COMM 349
Small Group Communication
COMM 362
Organizational Communication
HCA 340
Health Care Organization and Management
HCA 347
International Comparisons of Health Care Systems
PH 381
Public and Community Health
PH 383
Biostatistics in the Health Sciences
PH 384
Introduction to Epidemiology
PH 462
Folklore and Medicine
PH 464
Women’s Health
PH 484
Community Organization for Health Education
PSY 310
Educational Psychology: Development and Learning
Social Psychology
SOCL 342
Aging in Society
SOCL 352
Technology, Work and Society
SOCL 375
Diversity in American Society
SOCL 450
Occupations and Professions
Total Hours6-7

Finish in Four Plans

Education Track

First Year
ENG 1003COMM 1453 
PSY 100 or PSYS 1003BIOL 207
BIOL 208
MATH 1093HIST 101 or HIST 1023 
BIOL 1314CHEM 1094 
SOCL 100 (or World Language Requirement)3  
 16 14 
Second Year
DH 2222DH 2714DH 3094
DH 2703DH 2303 
DH 2123DH 2063 
DH 2102DH 2262 
DH 2012DH 2043 
HMD 2113  
 15 15 4
Third Year
DH 3705DH 3044 
DH 3022DH 3715 
DH 3034DH 3233 
DH 3073DH 3243 
SOCL 100 - if not previously takenFACS 3813 
 14 18 
Fourth Year
ENG 2003ENG 3003 
DH 3304DH 3404 
PH 3833DH 3504 
Colonnade - Social & Cultural3Colonnade - Arts & Humanities 3 
Colonnade - Local to Global3  
 16 14 
Total Hours 126

Without Education Track

First Year
ENG 1003COMM 1453 
PSY 100 or PSYS 1003BIOL 207
BIOL 208
MATH 1093HIST 101 or HIST 1023 
BIOL 1314CHEM 1094 
SOCL 100 (or World Language Requirement)3  
 16 14 
Second Year
DH 2222DH 2714DH 3094
DH 2703DH 2303 
DH 2123DH 2063 
DH 2102DH 2262 
DH 2012DH 2043 
HMD 2113  
 15 15 4
Third Year
DH 3705DH 3044 
DH 3022DH 3715 
DH 3034DH 3233 
DH 3073DH 3243 
SOCL 100 (if not previously taken or Major/Minor/Elective)3  
 17 15 
Fourth Year
ENG 2003ENG 3003 
Colonnade - Social & Cultural3Colonnade - Arts & Humanities 3 
Colonnade - Local to Global3Major/Minor/Elective3 
 12 12 
Total Hours 120

Dental Hygiene, Bachelor of Science (524P, 524)

  • Academic LevelUndergraduate
  • DegreeBachelor of Science
  • CollegeHealth and Human Services
  • DepartmentNursing & Allied Health, School of


Program Accreditation

Commission on Dental Accreditation (Program of Dental Hygiene).

Allied health is defined as all the professional, technical and supportive workers in patient care, public health and health research. Allied health professions encompass a wide distribution of personnel with various levels of health education and training, which enables them to function as a member of the health care team.

Programs of Dental Hygiene

Students with an interest in the program of dental hygiene may contact the dental hygiene program coordinator. When planning a program of study in this program, each student should be aware of the University’s academic requirements and regulations contained in this catalog in the chapter “Academic Information.” Specific attention should be given to the subsections in the chapter entitled (a) Academic Programs, (b) Colonnade Program Requirements and (c) Academic Requirements and Regulations. Students should be aware that this academic program might require additional scholastic regulations and standards not specified in the catalog. To obtain a copy of these regulations, students should contact the program office.

Enrollment in the program of dental hygiene is limited and special admission information and other special rules, standards and requirements should be obtained directly from the program office (Academic Complex, Room 236G) or from the program website (https://www.wku.edu/dentalhygiene/).

The baccalaureate degree curriculum is designed to prepare dental hygienists with a background for teaching, for organization and management, for research, as well as for clinical dental hygiene.

The educational experience offered prepares the graduate hygienist to effectively carry out the duties as prescribed by licensure. Hygienists are prepared for varied career opportunities, which include the following settings: general dentistry practice, specialty practices, public health, military installations, hospitals or clinics, research facilities or public school dental hygiene.

Although 14 hours of Colonnade courses (including Anatomy & Physiology and Microbiology) are prerequisites, most beginning dental hygiene students will have successfully completed one or more years of college.

Program Requirements (66-78 hours)

A baccalaureate degree requires a minimum of 120 unduplicated semester hours. More information can be found at www.wku.edu/registrar/degree_certification.php.

Students who began WKU in the Fall 2014 and thereafter should review the Colonnade requirements located at: https://www.wku.edu/colonnade/colonnaderequirements.php.

For admission to the program, students must complete the following prerequisites.

Prerequisites for Admission in to the Major

Course List
BIOL 131Human Anatomy and Physiology4
BIOL 207General Microbiology3
BIOL 208General Microbiology Laboratory1
ENG 100Introduction to College Writing3
PSY/PSYS 100Introduction to Psychology3
Total Hours14

Program Requirements

Course List
Core Courses
DH 201Dental Radiology I2
DH 204Periodontics3
DH 206Dental Pharmacology3
DH 210Dental Materials and Expanded Functions in Restorative Dentistry I2
DH 212Oral Anatomy3
DH 222Preventive Dental Hygiene Care2
DH 226Dental Materials and Expanded Functions in Restorative Dentistry II2
DH 230Oral Histology and Embryology3
DH 270Pre-Clinical Dental Hygiene3
DH 271Clinical Dental Hygiene I4
DH 302Dental Radiology II2
DH 303Community Dental Health4
DH 304Advanced Periodontology4
DH 307General and Oral Pathology3
DH 309Pain Control in Dentistry4
DH 323Research Methods3
DH 324Practice Management and Ethics3
DH 370Clinical Dental Hygiene II5
DH 371Clinical Dental Hygiene III5
Total Hours60

Additional Courses for both tracks

Course List
COMM 145Fundamentals of Public Speaking and Communication3
HMD 211Human Nutrition3
SOCL 100Introductory Sociology3
CHEM 109Chemistry for the Health Sciences4
Total Hours13

Education Track

A degree in dental hygiene with education track requires 126 semester hours, including 78 hours in the major, and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. The curriculum may be completed in eight semesters and one summer term within four years. 

Course List
FACS 381Methods and Materials in Family and Consumer Sciences Education3
DH 330Clinical Teaching I4
DH 340Clinical Teaching II4
DH 350Clinical Teaching III4
PH 383Biostatistics in the Health Sciences3
Total Hours18

Without Education Track

A degree in dental hygiene without education track requires 120 semester hours, including 66-67 hours in the major, and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. The curriculum may be completed in eight semesters and one summer term within four years.  

Course List
Select 6-7 hours from the following:6-7
CHEM 304
Biochemistry for the Health Sciences
COMM 320
Health Communication
COMM 330
Leadership Communication
COMM 345
Advanced Presentational Speaking
COMM 346
COMM 348
Interpersonal Communication
COMM 349
Small Group Communication
COMM 362
Organizational Communication
HCA 340
Health Care Organization and Management
HCA 347
International Comparisons of Health Care Systems
PH 381
Public and Community Health
PH 383
Biostatistics in the Health Sciences
PH 384
Introduction to Epidemiology
PH 462
Folklore and Medicine
PH 464
Women’s Health
PH 484
Community Organization for Health Education
PSY 310
Educational Psychology: Development and Learning
Social Psychology
SOCL 342
Aging in Society
SOCL 352
Technology, Work and Society
SOCL 375
Diversity in American Society
SOCL 450
Occupations and Professions
Total Hours6-7

Finish in Four Plans

Education Track

First Year
ENG 1003COMM 1453 
PSY 100 or PSYS 1003BIOL 207
BIOL 208
MATH 1093HIST 101 or HIST 1023 
BIOL 1314CHEM 1094 
SOCL 100 (or World Language Requirement)3  
 16 14 
Second Year
DH 2222DH 2714DH 3094
DH 2703DH 2303 
DH 2123DH 2063 
DH 2102DH 2262 
DH 2012DH 2043 
HMD 2113  
 15 15 4
Third Year
DH 3705DH 3044 
DH 3022DH 3715 
DH 3034DH 3233 
DH 3073DH 3243 
SOCL 100 - if not previously takenFACS 3813 
 14 18 
Fourth Year
ENG 2003ENG 3003 
DH 3304DH 3404 
PH 3833DH 3504 
Colonnade - Social & Cultural3Colonnade - Arts & Humanities 3 
Colonnade - Local to Global3  
 16 14 
Total Hours 126

Without Education Track

First Year
ENG 1003COMM 1453 
PSY 100 or PSYS 1003BIOL 207
BIOL 208
MATH 1093HIST 101 or HIST 1023 
BIOL 1314CHEM 1094 
SOCL 100 (or World Language Requirement)3  
 16 14 
Second Year
DH 2222DH 2714DH 3094
DH 2703DH 2303 
DH 2123DH 2063 
DH 2102DH 2262 
DH 2012DH 2043 
HMD 2113  
 15 15 4
Third Year
DH 3705DH 3044 
DH 3022DH 3715 
DH 3034DH 3233 
DH 3073DH 3243 
SOCL 100 (if not previously taken or Major/Minor/Elective)3  
 17 15 
Fourth Year
ENG 2003ENG 3003 
Colonnade - Social & Cultural3Colonnade - Arts & Humanities 3 
Colonnade - Local to Global3Major/Minor/Elective3 
 12 12 
Total Hours 120

Dental Hygiene (Associate of Science) (226P, 226)

  • Academic LevelUndergraduate
  • DegreeAS
  • CollegeHealth and Human Services
  • DepartmentNursing & Allied Health, School of


Program Accreditation

Commission on Dental Accreditation (Program of Dental Hygiene).

Allied health is defined as all the professional, technical and supportive workers in patient care, public health and health research. Allied health professions encompass a wide distribution of personnel with various levels of health education and training, which enables them to function as a member of the health care team.

Program of Dental Hygiene

Students with an interest in the program of dental hygiene may contact the dental hygiene program coordinator. When planning a program of study in this program, each student should be aware of the University’s academic requirements and regulations contained in this catalog in the chapter “Academic Information.” Specific attention should be given to the subsections in the chapter entitled (a) Academic Programs, (b) Colonnade Program Requirements and (c) Academic Requirements and Regulations. Students should be aware that this academic program might require additional scholastic regulations and standards not specified in the catalog. To obtain a copy of these regulations, students should contact the program office.

Enrollment in the program of dental hygiene is limited and special admission information and other special rules, standards and requirements should be obtained directly from the program office (Academic Complex, Room 236G) or from the program website (https://www.wku.edu/dentalhygiene/).

The dental hygiene associate degree curriculum is designed primarily to prepare the graduate hygienist to effectively practice as a respected member of the dental hygiene profession. The education also provides the student with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him or her to serve as a community resource in matters of dental disease prevention and sound dental health practices.

The educational experience offered prepares the graduate hygienist to effectively carry out the duties as prescribed by licensure. Hygienists are prepared for varied career opportunities, which include the following settings: general dentistry practice, specialty practices, public health, military installations, hospitals or clinics, research facilities or public school dental hygiene.

Although 14 hours of Colonnade courses (including Anatomy & Physiology and Microbiology) are prerequisites, most beginning dental hygiene students will have successfully completed one or more years of college.

The associate degree in dental hygiene requires a minimum of 83 unduplicated semester hours. The associate degree may be completed in five semesters and one summer term. Requirements are outlined below.

Prerequisites for Admission into the Major

Course List
BIOL 131Human Anatomy and Physiology4
BIOL 207General Microbiology3
BIOL 208General Microbiology Laboratory1
ENG 100Introduction to College Writing3
PSY/PSYS 100Introduction to Psychology3
Total Hours14

Program Requirements (53 hours): 

Course List
Core Courses
DH 201Dental Radiology I2
DH 204Periodontics3
DH 206Dental Pharmacology3
DH 210Dental Materials and Expanded Functions in Restorative Dentistry I2
DH 212Oral Anatomy3
DH 222Preventive Dental Hygiene Care2
DH 226Dental Materials and Expanded Functions in Restorative Dentistry II2
DH 230Oral Histology and Embryology3
DH 270Pre-Clinical Dental Hygiene3
DH 271Clinical Dental Hygiene I4
DH 302Dental Radiology II2
DH 303Community Dental Health4
DH 307General and Oral Pathology3
DH 309Pain Control in Dentistry4
DH 324Practice Management and Ethics3
DH 370Clinical Dental Hygiene II5
DH 371Clinical Dental Hygiene III5
Total Hours53

Additional Courses

Course List
HMD 211Human Nutrition3
CHEM 109Chemistry for the Health Sciences4
COMM 145Fundamentals of Public Speaking and Communication3
SOCL 100Introductory Sociology3
Total Hours13

Accreditation Information

Bloodborne Pathogen Policy

University Archives

  • 270.745.2427
  • allied.health@wku.edu
  • Academic Complex, room 236G

    Program of Dental Hygiene

    1906 College Heights Blvd.
    Bowling Green, KY 42101


Why Study Dental Hygiene at WKU?

Our program offers hands-on experience in a growing field with flexible scheduling options, allowing you to make a direct impact on patients' oral health. As dental hygiene is one of the top healthcare support professions, WKU prepares you for a rewarding career with a strong job outlook and diverse opportunities.




 Last Modified 3/11/25