It is not unusual for web courses (semester and non-semester based) to require submission of a video presentation. Most commonly, this type of assignment is seen in courses such as public speaking, foreign language, communication, journalism and broadcasting, and various graduate level courses. Professors often require (or strongly recommend) the use of Mediasite for recording and sharing your presentation. This area is dedicated to assisting with that process.
Mediasite Set-up: This tutorial shows you how to set up Mediasite, which includes registering your account, downloading the recorder and setting up your profile.
Recording with Mediasite: Once you have completed the Mediasite set-up, this tutorial will walk you through the steps for recording and sharing your presentation.
There are times when you may prefer an alternative to Mediasite. Please note: If your project is for a class, you must first check with your professor first to see if he/she will approve the use of an alternative. If your professor approves your request, we recommend using one of the video-sharing sites in this guide.