Please try to complete this form within 4-6 weeks prior to your event date.
If your event applies to multiple departments, please list additional participating departments in description.
If your event requires multiple dates/times, please list them in description.
Please provide a detailed description of your event. (purpose of event, target audience, etc.) Include a proposed agenda or itinerary, if available.
* What elements do you envision included within your event?
* What level of assistance do you anticipate from PCAL?
Please allow 48 hours to be contacted about your request. Events will be worked on in the order they are received. Please plan accordingly and be as thorough as possible when filling out this request. Any changes or edits to event details must be emailed to within a timely manner.
* I have read and agree to the terms above and hereby confirm that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
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