Department of Psychology
Graduate Courses in Psychology
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PSY 412G Psychology of Motivation and Emotion. 3 hours. A study of the principal theories of motivation and emotion. Examination of needs, cognition, and social aspects. Includes a critical review of research and application of these theories to human behavior. Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 or PSYS 100.
PSY 421G Psychology of Early Adolescence. 3 hours. Focuses on theory and research related to cognitive, personality, and social development in early adolescence. Theories are applied to important developmental contexts such as peers, families, and learning environments. Designed for students planning to meet middle grades certification requirements. Either PSY 421 or PSY 422, but not both, may be taken to satisfy the requirements of the psychology major or minor. PSY 421 may not be used to satisfy the Developmental Course Category restricted elective requirement for the major. Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 or PSYS 100.
PSY 422G Adolescent Psychology. 3 hours. Introduction to behavior and development from early adolescence to adulthood, emphasizing a critical review of research and literature. Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 or PSYS 100.
PSY 432G Psychology of the Gifted and Creative. 3 hours. The course covers identification of gifted children and adults with an emphasis upon the development of educational programs which maximize the development of giftedness. Included will be a critical review of research and literature in the areas of giftedness and creativity. Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 or PSYS 100.
PSY 435G Moral Development and Education. 3 hours. An in-depth study of and reflection upon psychological theories of morality, moral development, moral functioning, and current models of moral education and professional identity. Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 or PSYS 100 or equivalent and graduate standing.
PSY 436G Applied Cognitive Psychology. 3 hours. Focus on the application of empirical cognitive findings to real-world memory tasks, reasoning, and problem solving. Topics covered include attentional processes applied to distracted driving, memory formation and retrieval as they relate to eyewitness testimony and recovered memories, and strategies for compensating for our limited short-term memory capacity. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
PSY 440G Abnormal Psychology. 3 hours. Introduction to abnormal psychology emphasizing forms of abnormal behavior, etiology, developmental factors, interpretations, behavioral manifestations and treatment programs. Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 or PSYS 100. Equivalent(s): PSYS 440G
PSY 441G Psychological Aspects of Alcoholism. 3 hours. Intensive study of theories and research regarding alcoholism; emphasis on application of psychological theories to the treatment of alcoholism.
PSY 442G Beginning Skills in Psychological Interviewing. 3 hours. Paraprofessional skills for conducting structured and unstructured interviews in non-therapy settings. Emphasizes skills development but also covers some theoretical material. Prerequisite(s): Six hours in PSY including PSY 100 or PSYS 100 and permission of instructor.
PSY 443G Behavior Modification. 3 hours. Introduction to theory and application of behavior modification techniques. Emphasizes the use of behavior modification in education, child rearing, clinics and self modification. Course activities or assignments may require the individual to disclose personal information. Prerequisite(s): Six hours in PSY including PSY 100 or PSYS 100 and permission of instructor.
PSY 470G Psychology and Law. 3 hours. Psychological knowledge that is pertinent to the legal system. Emphasis on how human characteristics and psychological factors influence attitudes, decisions, and behavior throughout the legal process. Field trips to off-campus locations will be required. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation. Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 or PSYS 100 or equivalent and graduate standing.
PSY 499G Senior Seminar in Psychology. 3 hours (repeatable maximum of 6 hours). Seminar in which major concepts and issues in psychology are considered. Directed reading, guest lectures, field trips, and/or oral reports by students are utilized.
PSY 505 Statistical Software for Behavioral Scientists. 3 hours. Develops proficiency in use of statistical software for mainframe and personal computers. Emphasis on SPSS. Data base management for the PC also addressed. Prerequisite(s): Three hours of undergraduate statistics and graduate standing or permission of instructor.
PSY 509 Foundations of School Psychology. 3 hours. An introduction to the history of school psychology, the role and function of the school psychologist, models of practice, and professional standards. Current trends and future directions will be explored.
PSY 510 Advanced Educational Psychology. 3 hours. Application of psychological and developmental theories to teaching and learning. Examination of cognitive, social, and moral development, learner diversity, learning theories, motivation, effective classroom management, productive instructional practices, and assessment.
PSY 511 Psychology of Learning. 3 hours. Theories of learning including conditioning, social learning, reinforcement, problem solving, motivation, and structure of the learning situation.
PSY 514 Program Evaluation and Research Methods. 3 hours. Examination of program accountability. Emphasizes all phases of evaluation. Also covers decision making processes.
PSY 519 Psychological Perspectives on Classroom Behavior. 3 hours. Strategies and techniques designed for coping with problem behaviors in the classroom. Covers both preventative and problem encounter measures.
PSY 520 Individual Differences and Human Diversity. 3 hours. Research and theory in aspects of human diversity, including intelligence, motivation, personality, achievement, and aptitudes. Both individual and group differences are addressed, and sources of diversity are explored. Equivalent(s): PSYS 520.
PSY 540 Behavior Problems of Childhood and Adolescence. 3 hours. The major forms of psychopathology in children and adolescents, with emphasis upon recent research, classification systems and developmental patterns. Also covers clinical and school treatment of behavior problems encountered in the school setting.
PSY 541 Professional Issues and Ethics in Psychology. 3 hours. Ethics codes, professional behaviors, and legal issues in applied psychology.
PSY 545 Clinical Child Psychology: Theory and Practice. 3 hours. For psychology or mental health profession students desiring to work with mental health problems in children and adolescents. Prerequisite(s): PSY 540 or PSY 640 or permission of instructor.
PSY 560 Assessment of Individual Intellectual Functioning:Theories and Issues. 3 hours. Review of the theory and development of individually administered cognitive assessments used as basic tools in education and clinical diagnosis. Includes examination of issues in their use and interpretation. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
PSY 561 Advanced Assessment in Educational Settings. 3 hours. Interpretation and integration of assessment information for use in educational settings. Includes tests, behavior ratings scales, ecological analysis, systematic observations, and functional behavioral assessment. Prerequisite(s): PSY 560 and permission of instructor.
PSY 562 Practicum in Psychological Assessment. 1-3 hours (repeatable maximum of 6 hours.Supervised experience in the administration and interpretation of instruments and practices used in the assessment of intellectual abilities and learning problems in educational or clinical settings. Field experiences in appropriate off-campus settings may be required. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
PSY 590 Readings/Research Psychology. 1-6 hours (repeatable maximum of 9 hours). Individual readings or research. Arrangements must be made before enrollment. Prerequisite(s): Departmental permission only. Equivalent(s): PSYS 590. Grade Mode: Pass/Fail. PSY 590 Approval Request
PSY 591 Internship in College Teaching. 3 hours. Problems and methods of teaching at the college level. Students enrolled in this course will concurrently teach a course in introductory or general psychology.
PSY 592 Psychology Internship. 3 hours (repeatable maximum of 6 hours). Applied supervised experiences for clinical and school psychologists. Students must meet minimum hour requirements as specified by the programs. Students are responsible for their own transportation to internship sites. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
PSY 597 Trends and Scientific Approaches in Psychological Thinking. 1-3 hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs). New developments and special topics in contemporary psychological research. Equivalent(s): PSYS 597.
PSY 599 Thesis Research. 1-6 hours (6 total). Thesis research and writing directed by faculty committee. Grade Mode: Pass/Fail.
PSY 600 Maintain Matriculation. 1-6 hours (repeatable maximum of 6 hours). Continued enrollment for thesis completion. Grade Mode: Non-graded.
PSY 617 Reading and Understanding Statistics in Psychology. Examination of critical consumer statistics reported in psychology journals. Coverage ranges from basic descriptive statistics to advanced inferential statistics. The focus of the course is on reading, interpreting, and critiquing results sections of journals.
PSY 625 Seminar in School Psychology. 3 Hours (repeatable maximum of 6 hours). Readings and discussion on current issues in the field of school psychology. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the school psychology program or by permission of instructor.
PSY 637 Theories of Addiction. 3 hours. This course involves introduction to theoretical, philosophical and historical premises of addictions. Topics include professional ethics, diversity, family roles and relationships, and dual diagnosis. Equivalent(s): CNS 637, SWRK 637. Prerequisite(s): Admission to or completion of approved graduate program in helping profession, and instructor's permission.
PSY 640 Psychopathology. 3 hours. Major forms of child and adult psychopathology with emphasis upon recent research, classification systems, the modification of deviant behavior and developmental patterns of learning and motivation variables. Equivalent(s): PSYS 640.
PSY 641 Theories of Psychotherapy. 3 hours. Selected theories and techniques of psychotherapy and counseling. Also covers group therapy, clinical topics, and professional and ethical issues. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Equivalent(s): PSYS 641.
PSY 642 Clinical Interviewing and Psychotherapy. 3 hours. Continuation of PSY 641 with emphasis on group, family, and marital psychotherapy. Prerequisite(s): PSY 641 and permission of instructor.
PSY 643 Academic Assessment and Intervention. 3 hours. Diagnostic instruments and procedures for assessing educationally-related disabilities. Emphasis on current laws and regulations regarding special education, academic interventions, and Individualized Education Programs. Field experiences in appropriate off-campus settings may be required. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites. Prerequisite(s): PSY 560, 561 and permission of instructor.
PSY 645 Consultation in Educational and Mental Health Settings: Theory and Practice. 3 hours. Designed to provide theory and practice to mental health professionals. Theories and methods of mental health consultation in depth. Field experiences in appropriate off-campus settings may be required. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites.
PSY 646 Social Psychology for Applied Practice. 3 hours. Examines the impact of situations, relationships, and attributions on behavioral health and disorder development, diagnosis, and treatment. Explores the application of social psychological theories to the practice of clinical and school psychology. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
PSY 647 Addictions: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning. 3 hours. This course involves the selection, administration, and interpretation of assessment methods and techniques used to diagnose addiction disorders, as well as the development of appropriate treatment plans and issues involved in treatment planning. Equivalent(s): CNS 647, SWRK 647. Prerequisite(s): Admission to or completion of approved graduate program in a helping profession, and instructor permission.
PSY 651 Clinical Neuropsychology for the Applied Psychologist. 3 hours. Basic neural anatomy and functioning and biological systems will be presented along with the effect those systems have on behavior. Effective applied interventions for people who have neurological problems will be covered. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to a graduate program in the Department of Psychology or by permission of instructor.
PSY 660 Assessment of Personality and Socio-emotional Functioning. 3 hours. Personality diagnosis using objective and projective techniques with emphasis on current research interpretation, and communication of assessment information. Prerequisite(s): PSY 560 and permission of instructor.
PSY 662 Practicum in Psychology. 1-3 hours (repeatable maximum of 6 hours). Supervised practice in schools, clinics, specialized training centers, hospitals, industry, and research settings. Field experiences in appropriate off-campus settings may be required. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
PSY 667 Counseling Substance Abusers and Their Families. 3 hours. Counseling issues related to substance abuse diagnosis, treatment and aftercare program. Equivalent(s): CNS 647, SWRK 647.
PSY 699 Specialist Project. 1-6 hours (repeatable maximum of 6 hours). Specialist project research and writing directed by faculty committee. Grade Mode: Pass/Fail.
PSY 700 Maintain Matriculation. 1-6 hours (repeatable maximum of 6 hours). Continued enrollment for specialist project
Grade Mode: Non-graded.
PSY 701 History and Systems of Applied Psychology. 3 hours. Survey of the history of clinical and school psychology with an emphasis on the theories and systems that drove the creation of these professions. Current trends in current clinical and school psychology and their impact on the fields will be examined. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program or by permission of instructor.
PSY 741 Family Systems in Therapy. 3 hours. Reviews theories of family systems and the implications for therapy and working with families. Applies family systems assessment and therapy techniques to referral concerns. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program or by permission of instructor.
PSY 751 Clinical Psychopharmacology. 3 hours. Overview of clinical psychopharmacology, including medication side effects and signs, contemporary prescribing practices, and working with medical professionals. Students will learn theoretical and biological bases of psychotropic medications. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program or by permission of instructor.
PSY 766 Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. 3 hours. Examines methods, instruments, and skills of assessing Autism Spectrum Disorder. Supervised practice with assessment instruments. Students are responsible for their own transportation to assessment sites. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program or by permission of instructor.
PSY 777 Foundations of Supervision. 3 hours. Examination of theories, ethics and issues in clinical supervision. Field experiences in appropriate off-campus settings may be required. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program or by permission of instructor.
PSY 785 Doctoral Seminar in School Psychology. 3 hours. Readings and discussion on current issues in the field of psychology relevant to doctoral level school psychologists, such as systems level consultation, supervision, and private practice. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program or by permission of instructor.
PSY 791 Advanced Psychology Practice. 3 hours. Advanced field experience for doctoral students. Applied Students are responsible for their own transportation to practicum sites. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program or by permission of instructor.
PSY 792 Advanced Practicum in School Interventions. 3 hours. Supervised practice in development of advanced problem-solving strategies and competencies for intervening with children and adolescents. Students are responsible for their own transportation to practicum sites. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program or by permission of instructor.
PSY 799 Dissertation in Psychology. 1-3 hours (repeatable maximum of 6 hours). Research undertaken to complete requirements for the doctorate in applied psychology. Course repeated for 6 credit hours total. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program and by permission of instructor. Grade Mode: Pass/Fail
PSY 801 The Profession of Clinical Psychology. 3 hours. Survey of the issues and opportunities in the applied practice of psychology. The legal, financial, professional, and ethical issues of applied practice will be addressed. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program or by permission of instructor.
PSY 862 Advanced Psychotherapy Interventions. 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs). Practice in evidence-based, contemporary psychotherapy techniques. Students will learn advanced and emerging techniques to complement existing therapeutic skills.
PSY 877 Advanced Clinical Supervision. 3 hours. Advanced topics in supervision including specialized settings, challenging supervisees, and technology and supervision. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program, PSY 777 or by permission of instructor.
PSY 895 Pre-Doctoral Internship. 3 hours (repeatable maximum of 6 hours). Full-time applied psychology internship following the guidelines of the American Psychological Association. Taken at end of doctoral training coursework. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Applied Psychology Psy.D. program or by permission of instructor. Grade Mode: Pass/Fail.
Most 400-level psychology courses may be taken for graduate credit. Students receiving graduate credit in 400G courses will be required to do additional research, readings, or other appropriate assignments.
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- Schedule of Classes (WKU TopNet)
- Undergraduate courses
The Department of Psychology
Gary A. Ransdell Hall, Office 3012
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11030,
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030
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