Department of Psychology
Psychology Minor
The minor in psychology (reference number 438) requires a minimum of 21 semester hours including PSY 100. The courses must be PSY courses, PSYS courses that have been deemed equivalent to PSY courses will also count as noted below. Talk with your minor advisor about doing an iCAP exception form for other PSYS courses. The minor program is designed by the student with the approval of the student's advisor. At least twelve hours of the course work must be in upper-division courses (numbered 300 or above).
To declare a psychology minor, login to your Topnet account. Once in TopNet, click on Student Services, Student Records, and finally Change Major, Minor, Concentration, Advisor. Scroll down to Psychology minor (438) and then follow the instructions. Your advisor for the minor is Pitt Derryberry, Co-Department Head.
Effective in Fall 2014 some of the courses in the major had new prefixes and in Spring 2015 some of the numbers for courses in the major changed. For a complete list visit the link at the top of this page for the latest news on the major
You may select from the following courses: (PSY 100 is a prerequisite for all but PSY 220, PSY 250, & PSY 350; other prerequisites are noted).
- PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology
- PSY 210 Research Methods in Psychology (Prerequisite: PSY 100 with a grade of C or better; corequisite: PSY 211)
- PSY 211 Research Methods in Psychology Laboratory (Prerequisite: PSY 100 with a grade of C or better; corequisite: PSY 210)
- PSY 220 Introduction to Developmental Psychology PSY 250 Adjustment and Personal Growth
- PSY 290 Supervised Study in Psychology
- PSY 299 Selected Topics in Psychology (seminar)
- PSY 313 Statistics in Psychology (Prerequisite PSY 210 and PSY 211 with a C or better)
- PSY 340 Sport Psychology
- PSY 355 Issues in Cross-Cultural Psychology (Prerequisites: PSY 100 and sophomore standing)
- PSY 371 The Psychology of Sales Behavior
To take any of the courses listed below, you must have earned at least 60 hours of credit (be of Junior standing):
- PSY 331 Psychology of Learning (Prerequisites: PSY 210 and PSY 211 with a grade of C or better and junior standing or permission of instructor)
PSY 350 Social Psychology (Prerequisite: 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses or junior status)
PSY 390 Field Experience in Psychology (Prerequisites: Junior standing; Psychology Major or Minor with 12 hours in psychology; approval of the department and a 2.5 GPA in psychology. Field placement sites are approved based on consistency with the student’s academic preparation. )
- PSY 412 Psychology of Motivation and Emotion
- PSY 421 Psychology of Early Adolescence (note: PSY 421 and PSY 422 cannot both be counted toward the minor)
- PSY 422 Adolescent Psychology (note: PSY 421 and PSY 422 cannot both be counted toward the minor)
- PSY 432 Psychology of the Gifted and Creative
- PSY 435 Moral Development and Education
- PSY 440 Abnormal Psychology (Prerequisites: Six hours in psychology, including PSY 100)
- PSY 441 Psychological Aspects of Alcoholism (Prerequisites: PSY 100, PSY 440 and permission of instructor)
- PSY 442 Beginning Skills in Psychological Interviewing (Prerequisites: Six hours in psychology, including PSY 100, and permission of instructor)
- PSY 443 Behavior Modification (Prerequisites: Six hours in psychology, including PSY 100)
- PSY 445 Introduction to Clinical and School Psychology
- PSY 470 Psychology and Law
PSY 481 History of Psychology
- PSY 490 Research, Readings or Special Projects in Psychology (Prerequisite: permission of faculty supervisor)
- PSY 499 Senior Seminar in Psychology (Prerequisites: 12 hours in psychology, including PSY 100, and senior level classification)
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The Department of Psychology
Gary A. Ransdell Hall, Office 3012
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11030,
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030
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